How Natalie Grant's Daughter Gracie an Asthma Patient Became Her Health Advocate

How Natalie Grant's Daughter Gracie an Asthma Patient Became Her Health Advocate

Natalie Grant Shares How Her Daughter Became Her Own Health Advocate

Natalie Grant expressed her amazement at her daughter Gracie's transformation into her own health advocate.

The story takes us back to Christmas Eve 2015. Natalie, a contemporary Christian singer, and her family were celebrating at her brother's house in Seattle. Among the festivities, her eight-year-old daughter Gracie complained of breathing difficulties. Although Gracie had been diagnosed with asthma a few months prior, Natalie didn't notice any severe symptoms initially.

Reflecting on that time, Natalie, a nine-time Grammy nominee, recalls Gracie's brave face, determined not to miss out on the Christmas celebrations.

When Gracie's symptoms didn't improve the following day, Natalie's brother Steve, a doctor, and her niece Jenna, a nurse practitioner, advised a trip to the ER. Gracie received medication and was sent home, giving the family a false sense of security.

How Natalie Grant's Daughter Gracie an Asthma Patient Became Her Health Advocate

Two days later, while Natalie and her husband Bernie Herms were at a Seattle Seahawks game, they received alarming news from Jenna: Gracie's breathing had worsened, and she was being taken to Seattle Children’s Hospital.

At the hospital, a team of doctors diagnosed Gracie with pneumonia and a partially collapsed lung, which had triggered a severe asthma attack. Her oxygen levels were dangerously low, and despite high doses of steroids, she needed intensive care for five days to stabilize.

Thankfully, Gracie fully recovered within two weeks. Now 17, she's a thriving high school junior. The incident was a wake-up call for her parents about the seriousness of asthma.

How Natalie Grant's Daughter Gracie an Asthma Patient Became Her Health Advocate

Natalie emphasizes the importance of understanding asthma and managing it from the start. "You feel like a complete failure as a parent. Do the work to really learn about asthma and how to keep it under control from the beginning," she advises.

Asthma affects about 25 million Americans, with 6.5 percent being children. The chronic disease causes lung inflammation, narrowing airways, and symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Triggers include stress, allergies, pet dander, cold weather, and environmental irritants. While there's no cure, modern treatments have made it more manageable.

Dr. Brian Christman of Vanderbilt University Medical Center notes that treatments for allergic asthma, common in young people, have significantly improved, allowing better control.

How Natalie Grant's Daughter Gracie an Asthma Patient Became Her Health Advocate

Gracie is diligent about her allergy medications and uses a rescue inhaler at the first sign of an attack. She remains vigilant, aware of the importance of managing her condition to avoid severe repercussions.

Natalie adds, "Our bodies are always talking to us. You just have to listen."

Natalie, who grew up in a musical, Christian family in Seattle, discovered her passion for music early on. After performing with a contemporary Christian musical group, she moved to Nashville in 1997, signed with Benson Records, and released her first solo album in 1999. She married Bernie the same year, and they have three daughters: Gracie and her twin sister Isabella, born in 2007, and Sadie, born in 2010.

How Natalie Grant's Daughter Gracie an Asthma Patient Became Her Health Advocate

Balancing her career and motherhood, Natalie found great joy in being a mom. Despite Gracie's sudden asthma diagnosis in 2015, Natalie and Bernie quickly adapted, learning to manage the condition and educate themselves about triggers and treatments.

Gracie’s asthma attack has inspired her to pursue a career in medicine, aiming to help others facing similar challenges. An avid hip-hop dancer, Gracie now manages her asthma effectively and dreams of becoming a doctor or nurse.

As her daughters approach high school graduation, Natalie is scaling back her touring schedule to spend more time with her family. She continues her work with Hope for Justice, helping sex-trafficking survivors, while prioritizing her family's needs.

How Natalie Grant's Daughter Gracie an Asthma Patient Became Her Health Advocate

"There's no such thing as balancing it all," Natalie says. "Our family is our priority, and everything else comes after that."

The Quran - Chapter Al-Hadid : 03

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