Princess Eugenie Praises Her Mother's Support Through Scoliosis Journey

Princess Eugenie Praises Her Mother's Support Through Scoliosis Journey

 Princess Eugenie expressed her deep gratitude for her mother, Sarah Ferguson, who has always stood by her during her scoliosis journey.

The 34-year-old granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth shared a nostalgic photo of herself and the Duchess of York, 64, on Instagram on Saturday, June 29. In the caption, she highlighted the invaluable lesson her mother taught her during her recovery.

"My mum detected my scoliosis early, and I was fortunate to receive the necessary help at 12 years old," Princess Eugenie wrote. "I owe her immense thanks for that, as well as for instilling in me the confidence to embrace my scar with pride."

Princess Eugenie Praises Her Mother's Support Through Scoliosis Journey

She continued, "She removed all the stigma surrounding scoliosis for me by openly sharing my story, which alleviated the fear and anxiety of being different at such a young age."

Princess Eugenie concluded her post with a positive message: "I am forever grateful and hope everyone can be proud of their scars."

The shared image shows a young Eugenie in a green gingham dress with a matching cardigan, holding her mother’s hand as they step out of a black car.

The Duchess of York responded to the post, expressing her admiration for her daughter: "I am deeply touched by this and in awe of you. I hope this inspires young people to embrace their scars and life’s journey as you have so beautifully done."

Earlier in the month, Princess Eugenie marked International Scoliosis Awareness Day by showcasing her scar on Instagram. She posted three photos from her 2018 royal wedding, where her bridal gown highlighted the scar from her corrective spinal surgery at age 12.

"Today is International Scoliosis Awareness Day. I wanted to share my scar and encourage anyone who has gone through something similar to share theirs with me," Eugenie captioned the post. "Let’s be proud of our scars!"

Sarah Ferguson has also been open about discussing her own health with her daughters, Eugenie and Princess Beatrice, following her recent cancer diagnoses.

"I have always raised my girls to be honest and straightforward, so they knew I would tell them the truth, no matter how difficult," she told Hello! Magazine. "When they asked, 'Mummy, tell us the absolute truth — have they removed all the cancer?' and the answer was yes, they felt reassured."

Princess Eugenie Praises Her Mother's Support Through Scoliosis Journey

"I have the most exceptional family, an extraordinarily supportive team, and a tremendous capacity to find joy," she added in the interview.

In January, Ferguson revealed she was diagnosed with malignant melanoma, a form of skin cancer, after a post-operative analysis of a mole removed during reconstructive surgery following her mastectomy.

The Quran - Chapter Al-Hadid : 04

He is the One Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days, then established Himself on the Throne. He knows whatever goes into the earth and whatever comes out of it, and whatever descends from the sky and whatever ascends into it. And He is with you wherever you are. For Allah is All-Seeing of what you do.