Taraji P. Henson Discusses Her Commitment to Mental Wellness

Taraji P. Henson Discusses Her Commitment to Mental Wellness

 Taraji P. Henson is a vocal advocate for mental health and wellness.

The actress from "The Color Purple" recently spoke about her new children's book, "You Can Be a Good Friend (No Matter What!)", and shared her views on mental wellness.

"The inspiration for this book comes from my work in mental health," Henson told. "I'm dedicated to mental wellness, and it's always about meeting people where they are and helping as much as I can to make life's journey a bit easier for all of us."

Taraji P. Henson Discusses Her Commitment to Mental Wellness

At 53, Henson has been a strong advocate for mental health for many years.

In 2018, she co-founded the Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation, named after her father, a Vietnam War veteran who passed away in 2005.

"I often think about how my father wore his heart on his sleeve. He never hid anything," Henson said. "He was courageous enough to live and walk in his truth, no matter how pretty or ugly it was, because he believed in sharing his truth to help others avoid the same hardships."

Taraji P. Henson Discusses Her Commitment to Mental Wellness

Henson's focus on mental health also influences her acting. She told, "I'm always considering my character's mental state in any role I play."

"Every character I portray carries a burden that impacts their mental health," Henson explained. "Becoming an advocate for mental health has transformed my perspective and approach to my work."

Her commitment to mental wellness also extends to her parenting. In an interview with Verywell Mind, Henson discussed how she has emphasized the importance of vulnerability and seeking help with her 30-year-old son, Marcell.

Taraji P. Henson Discusses Her Commitment to Mental Wellness

"We've both experienced trauma, and finding a therapist, having a support system, and accessing resources have been incredibly helpful. These should be more accessible to everyone," Henson told the outlet.

Taraji P. Henson's book, "You Can Be a Good Friend (No Matter What!)", is now available wherever books are sold.

The Quran - Chapter Al-Hadid : 05

To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. And to Allah all matters are returned.