Caroline Stanbury of RHODubai Opens Up About Post-IVF Weight Loss with Ozempic

Caroline Stanbury of RHODubai Opens Up About Post-IVF Weight Loss with Ozempic

 "Why be miserable if you can get back to where you were?" asked Caroline Stanbury, revealing her use of Ozempic to shed the 18 pounds she gained during in vitro fertilization (IVF).

On June 17, The Real Housewives of Dubai star opened up to Us Weekly about her choice to use Ozempic, a prescription medication approved by the FDA for type 2 diabetes. Ozempic, also known as semaglutide or Wegovy, influences the brain to control feelings of fullness and has gained popularity for weight loss, especially in Hollywood.

“At 48, losing weight becomes incredibly challenging, and I’m certainly not lazy,” Stanbury shared. “I work out, have a trainer, walk frequently, and stay busy, but the weight just wouldn’t budge.” 

Stanbury attributed her weight gain to undergoing two rounds of IVF, which often leads to increased weight. “I gained 18 pounds, and it was noticeable,” she said. “By the end of last summer, I looked like I had eaten my husband, Sergio Carrallo. Seeing a photo of myself in a magazine was a wake-up call—I knew I had to take action.”

Caroline Stanbury of RHODubai Opens Up About Post-IVF Weight Loss with Ozempic

“Ozempic proved to be an incredible tool,” Stanbury continued. “Why suffer if you can regain your former self? I didn’t aim to transform into a supermodel, just to feel like a younger version of myself.”

Thanks to Ozempic, Stanbury reported returning to her usual weight and fitting into her old jeans. She no longer takes the injections but is open to using them again if necessary. “If I gain the weight back, I wouldn’t hesitate to use it again. Why not maintain my progress? For now, I’ve been fortunate and don’t need it.”

Stanbury mentioned that Carrallo is considering another round of IVF, and she plans to use Ozempic again if needed. She first disclosed her use of the medication during the May 29 episode of her podcast, Uncut & Uncensored, citing a “midlife crisis” as her motivation. 

Caroline Stanbury of RHODubai Opens Up About Post-IVF Weight Loss with Ozempic

Quoting Kate Moss, she said, “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels,” underscoring her belief in the benefits of Ozempic.

On the podcast, Carrallo discussed their approach to maintaining balance in their diet outside of weight loss aids. “We try to balance things out—if we have a big dinner, we fast until breakfast,” he explained, noting that his wife has found her equilibrium. “From my professional sports background, I think you’ve found your balance now,” he told Stanbury.

The Quran - Chapter Al-Waqi'ah : 31

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