Caroline Stanbury Says She Shared Her Facelift Because It's 'Rubbish' When People Deny Cosmetic Procedures

Caroline Stanbury Says She Shared Her Facelift Because It's 'Rubbish' When People Deny Cosmetic Procedures

Caroline Stanbury, star of "The Real Housewives of Dubai", noticed something intriguing when she was browsing before-and-after photos of women who had undergone facelifts. She observed that many of the examples showcased significant transformations in older women—those in their 80s who suddenly appeared decades younger. However, these examples didn't resonate with her. "I couldn’t relate to them," Stanbury told. 

At 48, Stanbury sought someone closer to her age who had undergone a facelift, yet maintained a natural appearance. She didn't want a drastic change, just an improvement. This realization prompted her to document her own facelift, which she had done in November of the previous year.

Stanbury shared that despite starting with Botox and fillers at the age of 26, these treatments were no longer delivering the results she desired. “I had one crazy eyebrow. My lips looked odd. My face just kept getting rounder because I was constantly adding filler to my jawline,” she explained. Eventually, she decided to dissolve the fillers and opted for a facelift, realizing that the annual costs of maintaining fillers were comparable to the procedure.

Seeing her friend, podcast host Catt Sadler, looking "unbelievable" and "refreshed" after a facelift further convinced Stanbury to take the plunge. 

Caroline Stanbury Says She Shared Her Facelift Because It's 'Rubbish' When People Deny Cosmetic Procedures

For Stanbury, sharing her journey was a given. “I have a podcast called "Uncut and Uncensored". So, if I censor my life, what's the point?” she reasoned. Additionally, as a reality TV personality, she felt compelled to share her reality, especially with women her age.

With a husband who is younger—29-year-old Sergio Carrallo—Stanbury acknowledged that her decision wasn’t influenced by him but rather by her own desire to address the inevitable changes women face as they age. She wanted to be transparent about the fact that looking youthful in your late 40s often requires intervention. 

Caroline Stanbury Says She Shared Her Facelift Because It's 'Rubbish' When People Deny Cosmetic Procedures

Stanbury underwent a deep plane facelift and had excess skin around her eyelids removed but opted not to lift her eyes. She continues to use Botox on her forehead. She emphasized that it’s unrealistic to expect naturally smooth skin in your 40s unless you've had surgery, noting that such images can create a false impression of what aging looks like.

“It’s nonsense,” she said, pointing out that most women in their 40s don't have perfect skin without surgical help. 

Caroline Stanbury Says She Shared Her Facelift Because It's 'Rubbish' When People Deny Cosmetic Procedures

Her openness has earned her praise from fans, many of whom ask about the healing process. Stanbury assured them that the scars, particularly the one behind her ear, have healed well and can be easily covered with makeup. “The body heals in an incredible way,” she added.

The Quran - Chapter At-Talaq : 04

As for your women past the age of menstruation, in case you do not know, their waiting period is three months, and those who have not menstruated as well. As for those who are pregnant, their waiting period ends with delivery. And whoever is mindful of Allah, He will make their matters easy for them.