Demi Lovato Felt Defeated After Five In-Patient Mental Health Treatments

Demi Lovato Felt Defeated After Five In-Patient Mental Health Treatments

"I believe the turning point came when I began to invest in myself," Demi Lovato shared at the Center For Youth Mental Health's annual benefit.

Demi Lovato rediscovered her "light" by embarking on a journey of self-improvement.

The 31-year-old artist openly discussed her evolving relationship with herself following five in-patient mental health treatments during a conversation with Dr. Charlie Shaffer, Anna Wintour's son, on Monday night at The Center For Youth Mental Health at NewYork-Presbyterian's annual benefit.

Demi Lovato Felt Defeated After Five In-Patient Mental Health Treatments

"I've entered inpatient treatment five times, and each time I returned to a treatment center, I felt a sense of defeat," Lovato confessed at the event hosted by Wintour, Tory Burch, Dr. Steven J. Corwin, and Dr. Zandy Forbes.

"I know that experience all too well, but I think the glimmer of hope emerged when I began putting in the effort, whether it was working, engaging in a program, or conversing with my treatment team and building connections there."

Demi Lovato Felt Defeated After Five In-Patient Mental Health Treatments

"The glimmer of hope began to shift when I started to find joy in the small things in life. That was entirely new to me because I was so accustomed to not seeing any hope," she continued.

Lovato mentioned that things "definitely felt different" after her fifth in-patient mental health treatment.

"It felt like I had hit rock bottom, and I just knew what I needed to do, which was to live a life in recovery. That was something I had postponed for a long time," she shared.

"I also needed the right medication. For me, medication has been incredibly beneficial. It's helped countless people tremendously," Lovato continued. "I reached another low point and thought, 'What am I doing wrong?' I felt defeated. But then, when all the key elements fell into place like a perfect puzzle, I started to see the light again."

Demi Lovato Felt Defeated After Five In-Patient Mental Health Treatments

Lovato explained that receiving treatment taught her that her mental health struggles are not her "identity."

"It wasn't until I went into treatment for the first time that I realized this isn't who I am. It's just a part of what makes me, me. My struggles have shaped me into the person I am today, but they've never defined my identity. They've just become an aspect of me that adds a bit of complexity, I suppose," she said, adding that she's "grateful for the challenges I've faced and what I've overcome."

The Quran - Chapter Al-Qamar : 03 - 07

They rejected ˹the truth˺ and followed their own desires—and every matter will be settled—

even though the stories ˹of destroyed nations˺ that have already come to them are a sufficient deterrent.

˹This Quran is˺ profound ˹in˺ wisdom, but warnings are of no benefit ˹to them˺.

So turn away from them ˹O Prophet˺. ˹And wait for˺ the Day ˹when˺ the caller will summon ˹them˺ for something horrifying.

With eyes downcast, they will come forth from the graves as if they were swarming locusts,

وَكُلُّ أَمْرٍ‌ مُّسْتَقِرٌّ‌ (...while every matter has to be settled....54:3). The literal meaning of the word istiqrar is to settle. The verse means that everything must ultimately reach its end and the matter must become clear. 

If a veil is fabricated and cast over the truth or reality, eventually [ in its designated time ] the false veil will be removed and the truth and falsehood will be clearly distinguished.