How Jake Gyllenhaal Makes Blindness Work - Blurred Vision, Sharper Performance

How Jake Gyllenhaal Makes Blindness Work - Blurred Vision, Sharper Performance

 Jake Gyllenhaal's mornings commence in a blurred haze, a consequence not of sluggishness but of his substantial visual impairment.

The acclaimed thespian, currently captivating audiences in the Apple TV+ series "Presumed Innocent", has candidly revealed to "The Hollywood Reporter" that he is legally blind.

Gyllenhaal, aged 43, perceives an unusual benefit in his condition.

"I consider it a peculiar advantage," he disclosed. "It's the only reality I've known. In those moments of morning haze, before donning my glasses, I find solace in solitude."

How Jake Gyllenhaal Makes Blindness Work - Blurred Vision, Sharper Performance

 Verywell Health elucidates that legal blindness is characterized by a central visual acuity of 20/200 or worse in the better eye, even with corrective lenses. Essentially, with 20/200 vision, one sees at 20 feet what a person with normal vision discerns at 200 feet.

Gyllenhaal's acuity measures an astounding 20/1250 — he sees at 20 feet what others perceive at 1250 feet.

He has adeptly harnessed his visual limitations to enhance his craft, particularly in scenes demanding intense emotional depth.

For instance, during the filming of the 2015 sports drama "Southpaw", Gyllenhaal eschewed his lenses to amplify his auditory perception for a pivotal dramatic scene, as he recounted to "THR".

How Jake Gyllenhaal Makes Blindness Work - Blurred Vision, Sharper Performance

In "Presumed Innocent", Gyllenhaal's approach to wearing glasses is inspired by his godfather, the late Paul Newman, who had a penchant for tucking them into his shirt or letting them dangle from his ear.

"The Hollywood Reporter" described his corrective lenses as "Coke bottle" glasses due to their considerable thickness. Gyllenhaal, who has been reliant on glasses since the tender age of six, also shared that he was born with a lazy eye, which eventually corrected itself.

The Quran - Chapter Ar-Rahman : 06

The stars and the trees bow down ˹in submission˺.

ÙˆَالنَّجْÙ…ُ Ùˆَالشَّجَرُ‌ ÙŠَسْجُدَانِ (And the vine and the tree both prostrate [ to Allah ]....55:6). The word najm refers to the 'plants having no stem' and the word shajar refers to any 'tree' with stems or trunk, twigs and branches. 

All of them prostrate to Allah. Sajdah or prostration is the supreme symbol of humility, respect, surrender and unconditional love and obedience of Allah. 

In this context, the verse means that Allah has assigned a specific task to every tree, plant, creeper, and their leaves and fruits for the benefit of mankind and they are performing their tasks without the slightest deviation from their assigned duties. 

The plants without stems and the trees humbly submit themselves to Allah's will. Verse [ 6], read along with the preceding verse [ 5], shows that everything, from the largest celestial body to the smallest plant, is subject to His laws manifest in nature. 

A little disturbance in or deviation from their set course would bring down in pieces the whole universe, which has been created for the service of man. It is inconceivable, therefore, that man for whose service this vast and complicated but perfectly regulated universe has been brought into being would have been created without a purpose. 

The life of man surely has a grand Divine aim to which repeated reference has been made in this entire Surah and in other parts of the Qur'an. There are two types of obedience: [ 1] obedience that is carried out by free will, as for instance, man and jinn are given free will to choose between obeying Allah's laws or disobeying them; and [ 2] all other creation of Allah are assigned specific tasks or duties to perform without any choice. 

The latter is referred to as ita’ ah takwiniyyah or jabriyyah 'compelled or coerced obedience'. In the current verse, the word sajdah refers to this type of 'obedience to Allah's laws in nature' where the natural objects have no choice.