1000-Lb. Sisters’ Tammy Slaton Surpasses Her Doctor’s Weight Loss Goal: 'Unbelievable'

“I’m so ready for skin removal!” the 38-year-old said

1000-Lb. Sisters’ Tammy Slaton Surpasses Her Doctor’s Weight Loss Goal 'Unbelievable'

Tammy Slaton can’t believe how much weight she’s lost.

In Tuesday’s episode of 1000-Lb. Sisters, the 38-year-old is at an appointment with her bariatric surgeon Dr. Eric Smith alongside her siblings Amy, Amanda, Misty and Chris.

Smith tells Tammy that she looks “awesome” and shares his excitement that she no longer needs a wheelchair to get around.

“At my rock bottom, I was weighing about 725 lbs.” she says before the clip shows a flashback of her stepping on a scale two years ago. “The last time I saw Dr. Smith was about nine months ago and I was around 420 lbs. He told me I had to lose 100 lbs. before my next appointment. I’m extremely nervous.”

1000-Lb. Sisters’ Tammy Slaton Surpasses Her Doctor’s Weight Loss Goal 'Unbelievable'

Tammy steps on the scale and weighs in at 303.8 lbs., which Smith says is “unbelievable.”

“I surpassed Dr. Smith's goal, my goal, all the goals!” Tammy boasts in the clip. “I’m so ready for skin removal!”

“I was absolutely thrilled for Tammy and incredibly proud of her progress, but not surprised,” Smith tells. “Tammy has consistently demonstrated her dedication to making sustainable lifestyle changes to maximize the benefits of her surgery. I've emphasized the importance of making small, daily adjustments to ensure not only her continued progress but also her long-term success. She's truly committed to her health journey.”

Smith explains that setting goals is an essential part of every weight loss journey. He says he’s been working with Tammy on shifting her mindset so she’s concentrating on daily habits rather than “obsessing” over end goals, which has led to her life-changing progress.

As Tammy continues to make impressive strides in her weight loss journey, she’s hoping to qualify for skin removal surgery. Smith notes that they are approaching the point where the procedure is a viable option.

1000-Lb. Sisters’ Tammy Slaton Surpasses Her Doctor’s Weight Loss Goal 'Unbelievable'

“Generally, we want patients to have achieved the majority of their weight loss and maintained a stable weight for 3-6 months before proceeding with skin removal,” he explains. “However, in Tammy’s case, she has a significant amount of loose skin that’s affecting her mobility and contributing to other health concerns. Given this, it makes sense to consider surgery sooner rather than later, even though she will continue to lose weight in the future.”

Although Tammy hasn’t gotten the skin removal surgery yet, Smith tells that there’s “pure joy” when he reflects on her journey. He says she often sends him photos of new things she’s able to do since losing so much weight, thanking him for helping her achieve it.

“For the longest time, I wanted her to not only live a healthier life, but more importantly, to believe that she deserved it. There was a period when she didn’t feel worthy of feeling better or living a healthier life. Helping her recognize her self-worth has been just as rewarding as seeing the weight come off. It’s been a key factor in her success.”

“Every time, I feel an overwhelming sense of happiness because she’s finding both health and joy,” Smith adds. “That’s truly all you can wish for in a patient.”

A new episode of 1000-Lb. Sisters airs Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 9PM ET/PT.

The Quran - Chapter Al - Insan : 02 - 03

˹For˺ indeed, We ˹alone˺ created humans from a drop of mixed fluids,1 ˹in order˺ to test them, so We made them hear and see.

We already showed them the Way, whether they ˹choose to˺ be grateful or ungrateful.