Big Time Rushes Talks Venturing Into Spanish Music and Preparing for Tour

Big Time Rush

According to the People, "Big Time Rush" the band includes James Maslow, Logan Henderson, Kendall Schmidt and Carlos PenaVega shared their love for friends, it was "the perfect storm."

Maslow, 31, told, "We've been very, very lucky with everybody being as excited as they are, including us, about the tour and everything that's going on, So we thought, 'Hey, how can we partner with some charities and organizations that we believe in?' One of which is literally where I rescued my dog Posey from. Big Love is going to be one of the charities we're giving a percentage to. So just organic and awesome. We hope the fans love it and it's going to be going to a truly good cause."

Henderson, 32, adds, "Like James said, we're all big dog lovers. And there's so many dogs, animals that need homes and families, and a lot of people who are really into that. So we felt like this would be the best way to kind of share the message."

Henderson explains, "The scaries are setting in, at least for that part of it, But on the production side, everything's going really smooth. And as long as we've been doing it together, things happen pretty quickly. So once we're all together, things just kind of move, they kind of work."

Schmidt, 31, adds, "And this band is notoriously last minute, so that's kind of situation normal."

Henderson says "a little bit insane."

PenaVega, 32 said, "You guys just wouldn't survive. My kids are amazing, but having three kids. Honestly I think three dogs is probably way easier than three... I think five dogs would be easier than three kids."