Sofia Carson's Purple Hearts Is A Netflix Romantic Film - Interview & Synopsis

Sofia Carson's Purple Hearts Is A Netflix Romantic Film - Interview & Synopsis

An American singer and actress, Sofia Carson, 29, recently released "Purple Hearts" her debut self-titled album, is now a leading lady in the new Netflix film.

Sofia Carson's Purple Hearts Is A Netflix Romantic Film - Interview & Synopsis

She played a singer and actor on screen role in the romantic drama with various variety of hats and act as executive producer and songwriter behind the scenes.

Purple Heart is the story of a couple enter a marriage of convenience with unexpected results.

Carson shared her character Cassie with PEOPLE and said,

Sofia Carson's Purple Hearts Is A Netflix Romantic Film - Interview & Synopsis

"I think I've been really lucky that a lot of the projects that I have been a part of have allowed me to do everything that I love as an artist, And this one in particular went kind of a step further, because I've always been in love with storytelling, and to be a part of storytelling from every aspect, from behind the scenes as producer to physical storytelling as an actress to storytelling through song, was incredibly fulfilling."

"a lot of research into every aspect that could have shaped and formed the woman that she was when we met her."

Sofia Carson's Purple Hearts Is A Netflix Romantic Film - Interview & Synopsis

"Everything from the immigrant experience coming into this country, being an immigrant in San Diego, in Southern California, type 1 diabetes, military, the military culture, her worldview, her political views, her stance on marriage," 

"We didn't actually get to meet until the night before that we started shooting, and so we literally did not know each other, And the next day, our characters got married. The day after, they professed their love for each other. The day after, he got deployed to Iraq. And then the next day was the love scene in the motel. So we really dove into this film, and we had to build pretty immediate trust with one another."

Sofia Carson's Purple Hearts Is A Netflix Romantic Film - Interview & Synopsis

"My mom is the most extraordinary heart I've ever known, She raised her daughters, not only to believe that as women anything was possible, but that the greatest and most important thing that we could do with our lives and our voices was to give."

Sofia Carson's Purple Hearts Is A Netflix Romantic Film - Interview & Synopsis

"I was also very lucky that I was older when everything changed, and I was an adult. I had been to college. I had lived in normal life before fame hit, because the world that I live in now and fame, it isn't real and it isn't normal, And it's really important to make that distinction. And I think most importantly, I think the example my mom sets is to lead not only with love, but with gratitude."

"It's so easy to get caught up in things in this industry and to want more and more, for nothing to be enough, or to get caught up in fame and just remembering that I'm so lucky every single moment."

An official synopsis of the movie explains,

"Luke is hiding a troubled past and has his own reason for entering this marriage of convenience, For a while, their secret plan works and they start to develop a semblance of a friendship. As Luke begins paying off the debt that haunts him, Cassie's musical career starts taking off, inspired by an unexpected muse: Luke." 

"But when a tragedy sends him home earlier than expected, Cassie and Luke are unprepared to feign a marriage face-to-face, in front of family and friends, They constantly argue and disagree, but slowly, the walls between them start to come down as they reveal their vulnerabilities to each other."

"As the line between real and pretend begins to blur, Cassie and Luke might finally admit to feeling something real for the first time in their lives."

Carson also shared on her Instagram account the song from the "Purple Heart" and wrote a caption,

“Letting my fears show till I can face them, letting my tears go till I can taste them…”

"Purple Hearts belongs to the world, and my heart could BURST"