'Summer House' : Drama Swirls Around Carl and Lindsay as 2 Roommates 'Confront Our Demons'

'Summer House' : Drama Swirls Around Carl and Lindsay as 2 Roommates 'Confront Our Demons'

Lindsay Hubbard and Carl Radke's lovefest continues to be a point of contention in the Summer House.

On Monday's episode, Kyle Cooke and Mya Allen couldn't even enjoy their Fourth of July beach celebration because of unresolved agita surrounding the couple. After a quick chat, the two decided to "confront our demons" and talk to Carl and Lindsay.

Mya, 30, pulled Lindsay, 36, away from the other girls to sit down on the sand, where she addressed the way Lindsay spoke to her when they were in a car together in Los Angeles.

"Your tone was really harsh. The way you spoke to me was in a way I've never been spoken to in my life," Mya told Lindsay, who initially said she didn't "raise my voice."

Lindsay then explained to Mya her thought process in that moment when Mya told Lindsay that she had texted Carl — who has abstained from alcohol since 2020 — to invite him to smoke marijuana. "I responded immediately and said, 'Do you think maybe you should've had a conversation with me about that?'" she asked. "I asked you if you thought it would be appropriate to maybe talk to me about that first."

'Summer House' : Drama Swirls Around Carl and Lindsay as 2 Roommates 'Confront Our Demons'

Lindsay continued, "At that time, I was sober to support my boyfriend, and you're asking him to smoke weed with you without even caring that I'm not even drinking to support him. And I'm allowed to say that to you."

"You also accused me of a lot of things in that moment," Mya told Lindsay. Lindsay shot back, "I didn't accuse you of anything."

Expressing her desire to coexist in the house, Mya then told Lindsay: "You and I are not going to agree on what happened in that car ride."

Confused, Lindsay asks if she was not allowed to share her feelings about the situation, to which Mya responded, "You accused my character of things that I don't do, and that's where my problem is."

Mya specifically told Lindsay, "In the car, you told me I wanted Carl. You told me I came onto him."

"No, I didn't," Lindsay replied. "I said, 'You're texting my boyfriend, who's sober. You don't even know how I feel. I'm sober in support of him.'"

'Summer House' : Drama Swirls Around Carl and Lindsay as 2 Roommates 'Confront Our Demons'

From there, Mya sarcastically brushed off several of her housemate's attempts to express her perspective, finally pushing too far when she told Lindsay: "You can feel whatever you want to feel, bitch. I promise you that."

"Did you just call me a bitch?" Lindsay glared.

"Not in that way," said Mya. "I call my friends bitches."

Lindsay shot that excuse down: "I'm sorry, but you just told me I'm not your friend. Coexistence is not exactly friendship."

Despite Lindsay accusing Mya of "changing the narrative," Mya told her, "I have zero intentions of being disrespectful of you, but especially you and your relationship. I just want to be OK living together."

"I think there's an opportunity for us to come back together and I'll say that, but I don't think it's gonna be talking in circles about what happened," she added. "I still don't think everything's going to be amazing. I just want to find a place where we can be okay, so if we can leave it there."

'Summer House' : Drama Swirls Around Carl and Lindsay as 2 Roommates 'Confront Our Demons'

On the other side of the beach, as the women hugged it out, Kyle addressed what he deemed a less-than-stellar work performance by Carl.

"I'm still trying to understand what I want to do and where I'm going at Loverboy 'cause some days I've been pissed," Carl revealed. "I've been working my ass off and it's not good enough, or I don't feel like I'm valued sometimes and it's a s--- feeling."

He continued, "Sometimes I feel like the face of the brand, and part of me likes that — like, the ego in me loves that — but then I'm like, 'Well, Amanda and Kyle aren't doing as much publicly.'"

Kyle noted that Carl's role had been "crafted" precisely to put him at the forefront of the brand work because, as the company's CEO, Kyle hadn't always had have time for public appearances. At this, Carl admitted, "I just feel like the effort I put in and the recognition and the value that I feel I bring is not maybe seen as much, and it hurts."

But Kyle, 40, didn't that believe Carl, 38, had reached this point of frustration all on his own.

"I'm also just like I'm trying not to f---ing say it, but I'll just say it because I love you and Lindsay together — but I'm trying to understand what is different, and the only thing I come back to is that she must be in your ear," Kyle told Carl.

'Summer House' : Drama Swirls Around Carl and Lindsay as 2 Roommates 'Confront Our Demons'

Carl then explained that Lindsay had "been through a ton of s--- with me, and I'll complain to her. I'm just exhausted from it, and she sees the long hours and the emails and the Slacks and the late nights, and she's like, 'What is this all for?' And I do have to listen to her because I do think she looks out for me."

In a confessional interview, Carl continued: "I think Lindsay's just opened my eyes to what my value is as a person and she's like, 'You know what? You're really talented. You can do other things where you probably are happier at the end of the day.' She just wants me happy, and she's just been seeing me unhappier."

Kyle didn't hold back in his own confessional: "I think this is bulls---. Carl's been happy. Loverboy has given him purpose at times when, frankly, he had none. I'm sure Lindsay is pretty god damn bored not working, saying, 'Oh you work too much.'"

Kyle's frustration reached a boiling point during a conversation with Mya at a group dinner that Lindsay and Carl skipped. According to Kyle, Carl had dropped the ball on a huge distributor deal and had neglected to tell his colleagues about time off he had scheduled.

"He's checked out," said Kyle. "I know he's giving me a hard time for being the guy that doesn't appreciate god knows what, but I'm like, 'Bro, I've given you so much f---ing leniency.'"

He continued, ratcheting up his accusations: "I'm just f---ing frustrated man. He has Lindsay in his ear saying, 'You're invaluable. You're not being appreciated.' When I hired him, he was unhireable and showed up to work drunk. I'm like, 'Are you f---ing kidding me?' He showed up to work one day so coked-out, so coked-out, he didn't bring his computer to work."

"The world needs to know," said Kyle. "I'm a pretty understanding boss."

Overhearing their conversation, Danielle Olivera confronted Kyle for talking bad about their friend when he was not there to defend himself, especially since the alleged work incident happened before Carl announced his sobriety.

But Kyle wasn't having it and laid down the gauntlet: "Carl could walk away from the company right now, and the company won't feel a f---ing thing. I gave him the biggest chance of a f---ing lifetime."

Summer House airs Mondays at 9 p.m. ET on Bravo.

'Summer House' : Drama Swirls Around Carl and Lindsay as 2 Roommates 'Confront Our Demons'