90 Day Riley Dares Violet Not to Touch Him After Circling the Globe to Be with Her But She Made Other Plans

90 Day Riley Dares Violet Not to Touch Him After Circling the Globe to Be with Her But She Made Other Plans

Losing a bet was the least of Riley’s worries on Sunday’s 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days.

During the episode, Riley revealed that he and Violet made a bet to see who could hold out longer without touching the other person when meeting in person for the first time. He explained, “So if I touch her first, she wins total control of me. So I gotta stay strong.”

When Riley arrived at the airport in Vietnam after flying across the globe, the pair excitedly greeted one another and she held out her arms to hug him but he warned, “If you’re gonna hug me first, you’re gonna lose the bet. You hug me, you lose the bet.”

Riley then touched Violet’s shoulder and she said, “You touch me first” before the two embraced. They then bantered back and forth about who actually lost the bet. He finally conceded, “I lost” and she added, “Oh okay, I’m your boss.”

Despite their bet, the pair wasted little time before sharing a kiss at the airport and he said how he was “really, really happy” to meet her. He then whispered to her, “You got a nice ass” and she returned the compliment, saying, “Your body… everything nice.”

90 Day Riley Dares Violet Not to Touch Him After Circling the Globe to Be with Her But She Made Other Plans

Over drinks, Riley gave her pearl jewelry as a belated birthday present; however, Violet was underwhelmed and gave him a pat on the cheek as a thank you.

“Pearls are not rare in Vietnam,” she explained to cameras. “From the North to the South, we farm pearls a lot. I’m not a fan of pearls.”

Their conversation turned serious when Riley told her that they had “a lot to work on” and he had “a lot of questions” about their future together.

However, she wanted to enjoy her birthday celebration, telling him, “We don’t [need] talk about bad things. We don’t [need] talk about the past.”

He then asked about their plans for the following day and she dropped the bombshell that she was “a little bit busy.” She explained, “Tomorrow you need to relax and at night if you want to meet me….”

90 Day Riley Dares Violet Not to Touch Him After Circling the Globe to Be with Her But She Made Other Plans

Riley appeared confused and interrupted her saying, “What do you mean if I want to meet you? I want to meet you…You think I flew for two days to come here and I might not want to see you, you’re kidding me?”

The conversation left Riley worried about their future together. He told cameras, “It’s a hard thing to find out on the first full day I’m here I won’t have the day with her… I’m only here for two weeks. I don’t understand how I’m not a priority for Violet right now. [It] sucks.”

“I have very, very deep feelings for Violet and I want to believe in her, I want to believe in us but I’d expected a little more engagement from her — between the reactions about the pearls and not wanting to speak about certain things and then not being able to spend time with me. It’s definitely a little concerning,” he added.

90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET on TLC.

90 Day Riley Dares Violet Not to Touch Him After Circling the Globe to Be with Her But She Made Other Plans