90 Day's Manipulator Mary Takes Heat for Twerking Video Even as Brandan Supports Her New Confidence

90 Day's Manipulator Mary Takes Heat for Twerking Video Even as Brandan Supports Her New Confidence

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way
star Mary is coming under fire for her “provocative” social media activity.

In a sneak peek at the third part of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way’s tell all, Brandan and Mary try to defend her sharing twerking videos online, but the other couples Kenny and Armando, Shekinah and Sarper, Kirsten and Julio, Holly and Wayne, Daniele and Yohan and Kimberly and TJ see her posts differently.

Then from the farthest end of the city a man came, rushing. He advised, “O my people! Follow the messengers.
Follow those who ask no reward of you, and are ˹rightly˺ guided.
And why should I not worship the One Who has originated me, and to Whom you will be returned.
(The Quran - Chapter Yasin : 20 - 22)

Shekinah says she doesn’t see the videos so innocently, explaining, “It’s not just in a bikini but she’s like, shaking her ass in a sexual way on camera, to the camera, trying to get a lot of sexual attention.”

90 Day's Manipulator Mary Takes Heat for Twerking Video Even as Brandan Supports Her New Confidence

She calls Mary’s dances “very provocative” before host Shaun Robinson shows a series of clips of her twerking on TikTok.

“She’s shaking her ass on social media but doesn’t want Brandan to do anything,” 90 Day alum Tim Malcolm responds.

“Yeah, I think it’s the double standard about him,” Daniele says and Kenny adds, “If he were shaking his butt in a Speedo, she would not tolerate that at all.”

Mary defends herself, saying, “It’s a dance, like a lot of people do that.”

90 Day's Manipulator Mary Takes Heat for Twerking Video Even as Brandan Supports Her New Confidence

Shekinah doesn’t accept her explanation, replying, “Yeah but you’re doing it, Mary, and you’re this very controlling person towards your husband so for you to do it and be that way towards him, it doesn’t make any sense.”

Mary then attempts to turn the tables on Shekinah, asking, “Shekinah, your boyfriend is okay with you … showing your boobs, so why I can’t?”

However, Shekinah then presses Mary about how she would feel if Brandan watched videos like she posted featuring another woman. “I [would] care about that but he doesn’t do that,” Mary admits.

Brandan, once again, tries to put Shekinah in the hot seat and asks if she stops her boyfriend from watching videos online.

“No, I just put down a boundary and I said, ‘You don’t do this when you’re in a relationship,’” she says. “I think she was trying to get a rise out of Brandan to make him react and in turn, it would make her feel more loved if he was like, ‘You’re not supposed to post stuff like that.’”

90 Day's Manipulator Mary Takes Heat for Twerking Video Even as Brandan Supports Her New Confidence

Brandan admits he sees Mary’s social media activity differently than the rest of the cast.

“Since she and I have started talking, she has become more confident, I should say, in posting her body online, right?” he says. “Because she felt like, ‘Oh, I’m dating an American man now. He has these American standards and all these American girls do this so I should do it too,’ right?”

He adds: “And so she starts doing that and I see it. I’m supportful [sic] of it. And I think, you know, do whatever it is that you need to do to make yourself feel better.”

However, the cast doesn’t back down. Sarper says, “For Mary, I just want to say something. I believe that she’s a manipulator, like she can play [the] victim.”

90 Day alum Andrei Castravet then turns on Sarper, saying, “You are the same character as Mary over here, only she is a female. She’s a control…”

Sarper defends himself, saying, “I am not.”

“You’re a control freak. Just the same thing,” Andrei adds.

“Control freak is different from the manipulator,” Sarper concluded. “Manipulator plays [the] victim.”

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on TLC.