Romeo Miller Spinal Injury Leads to Walking Difficulty

Romeo Miller Experiencing Difficulty Walking as a Result of a Spinal Injury Following Car Accident

 Romeo Miller continues to recuperate from injuries sustained in a "horrific" car accident earlier this year.

On May 13, the 34-year-old musician shared photos on his Instagram Stories from the hospital, revealing that he recently faced difficulty walking after undergoing a spinal procedure.

"After experiencing difficulty walking this past weekend," he wrote alongside a photo of his neck bandaged. "Back for more spinal/neck work. Thought I was finished with procedures, but was reassured that the healing journey towards a fully healthy neck and back post-accident will be a marathon. So, to my family and friends, please bear with me. I didn't have the opportunity to respond to everyone in real time, but today was a success. I'm feeling good and resting now. Onward and upward!"

He added, "The road to recovery will be a lengthy one, but I'm ready for the challenge and potential for growth!"

 Miller also shared a video documenting his recovery journey since the accident. The video included clips of him in the hospital and undergoing rehabilitation exercises in the gym.

"My New Year's resolution prayer was this, 'God, I'm ready to become my strongest. This year, I will be in my best physical shape. In 2024, I will transform and not miss a single day of working out. Guide me and please give me strength,'" he captioned the post. "The first few weeks started off with a bang! And then I was involved in a horrific car accident on the freeway."

Despite both he and his cousin "walking away alive" from the accident, Miller had to spend the following months "healing in peace and privacy."

Romeo Miller Experiencing Difficulty Walking as a Result of a Spinal Injury Following Car Accident

"My head injuries made everything difficult, but after successful neck/spinal procedures and clearance to return to my active life, I realized that what I prayed for at the beginning of the year wasn't necessarily what I needed, but rather what I selfishly wanted," he reflected.

"On my journey of rehabilitation and embracing stillness, I was finally able to fully rely on God. It wasn't my physical body that required transformation, but rather my mind and spirit," he continued. "Progress isn't always linear, and growth requires patience. I prayed to become my strongest, and God answered that prayer. I now see things more clearly. The signs are everywhere. Joshua 1:9."

Romeo Miller Experiencing Difficulty Walking as a Result of a Spinal Injury Following Car Accident

In the comments section, Miller received numerous messages of support and well wishes, including one from Terry Crews.

"I'm so glad you guys are doing better," one follower wrote, while another commented, "What a beautiful blessing! I'm so glad you are okay and safe. God bless 🙏🏽🥰🙏🏽"

The Quran - Chapter Adh-Dhariyat : 17

they used to sleep only little in the night,

Remaining Awake at Night for Voluntary Prayers

كَانُوا قَلِيلًا مِّنَ اللَّيْلِ مَا يَهْجَعُونَ (They used to sleep little in the night,... 51:17). The imperfect verb yahja` un is derived from the infinitive huju' which means to sleep at night. The verse describes the quality of the righteous believers is that they spend their nights in voluntary worship of Allah. They sleep little at night and remain awake during the greater part of it. 

Ibn Jarir preferred this interpretation. Sayyidna Hasan Basri (رح) said: "The righteous perform voluntary night prayers, and do not sleep during the night except a little." Sayyidna Ibn ` Abbas ؓ ، Qatadah, Mujahid (رح) and other leading scholars of Tafsir have taken the particle ma in the sense of negation, that is, grammatically they treat it as ma nafiyah or negative particle, meaning they spend a little part of every night awake, and not sleeping. They would worship Allah and perform voluntary prayers every night, even during a small part of the night. 

From this point of view, it includes all those people who pray to Allah during any part of the night - whether in the beginning, or in the middle, or at the end of it. Therefore, Sayyidna Anas Ibn Malik ؓ and ` Abul-` Aliyah said: "They used to pray between Maghrib and ` Isha'." Imam Abu Ja'far Baqir said that this includes those people who do not sleep before ` Isha' prayer (Ibn Kathir).

Hasan Basri (رح) reports from Ahnaf Ibn Qais who used to say: "When I compared my deeds with those of the inmates of Paradise, I found that they are a people who occupy a very high, lofty and elevated status; and they are a people whose deeds are incomparable and our deeds cannot match theirs, because they sleep little at nights and worship much. 

When I compared my deeds with those of the inmates of Hell, I found that they give the lie to Allah and His Holy Prophet ﷺ and are sceptical about the Hereafter [ from which Allah has protected us ]. 

Therefore, in comparison, our deeds match neither with those of the real inmates of Paradise, nor [ praise be to Allah ] with those of the inmates of Hell. Thus we learn that from the viewpoint of action, our position is what the Qur'an describes: ۔ خَلَطُوا عَمَلًا صَالِحًا وَآخَرَ‌ سَيِّئًا '...(They had mixed a good deed with another that was evil. - 9:102) Thus the best person amongst us is the one who would at least remain within the boundaries of this class of people."

` Abd-ur-rahman Ibn Zaid Ibn Aslam says that a member of the tribe Banu Tamim said to my father: "0 Abu 'Usamah, we do not find that quality in us which Allah mentions in describing the righteous, that is, كَانُوا قَلِيلًا مِّنَ اللَّيْلِ مَا يَهْجَعُونَ. They used to sleep little in the night," because our position is quite the contrary: قَلِیلاً مَّنَ الَّیلِ مَا نَقُومُ ' We are very little awake at night to worship Allah'. My father replied:

طوبی لمن رقد اذا نعس و اتقی اللہ اذا استیقَظ

'Good tidings for him who sleeps away when he feels sleepy and exercises righteousness when he is awake, that is, does not do any work that is contrary to Shari` ah.'"

In other words, acceptance in the sight of Allah is not necessarily restricted to protracted waking hours at night for worship. If a person is impelled to sleep, and does not remain awake for long, but abstains from any sinful activities when awake, he is also worthy of felicitation.

` Abdullah Ibn Salam ؓ reports from the Holy Prophet ﷺ who said:

یٰٓاَیُّھَا النَّاس اَطعِموا الطَّعَامَ وَ صِلُوا الاَرحَامَ وَ افشُوا السَّلامَ وَ صَلُّوا بِالَّیلِ وَ اَلنَّاسُ نِیَامُ تَدخُلُوا الجَنَّۃَ بِسَلاَمِ ۔ (ابن کثیر)

"0 people, feed people, do good to kith and kin, greet each other with salam, pray at night while people are asleep, and you will enter Paradise in peace." (Ibn Kathir)