Kerry Washington Discusses the Importance of Sex Education

Kerry Washington Discusses the Importance of Sex Education

 Kerry Washington is passionate about advancing sexual health education, especially amidst the current attacks on reproductive rights and education. She emphasizes the urgency of this cause in a conversation.

Washington, 47, has been dedicated to improving sex education throughout her career. "As a teenager, I worked with a theater and education program that focused on sexuality education in high schools and community centers," she recalls. "We created skits on health and wellness, safer sex, homosexuality, and abortion. This work has always been important to me."

Her longstanding interest in sexuality education has led her to a new role with Winx Health, a Gen-Z sexual and vaginal health brand. As an advisor and investor, Washington aims to promote the brand's products and educational efforts. "Operating in the space of sexual health feels like a radical act right now because of the attacks on reproductive rights and education," she notes. She also highlights the importance of voting, stating, "Many abortion bans in this country can be reversed in November."

Kerry Washington Discusses the Importance of Sex Education

Washington’s involvement with Winx Health aligns with her personal experiences and advocacy. She has been open about being a victim of sexual abuse and having an abortion in her twenties, sharing these stories in her 2023 memoir, "Thicker Than Water". "My memoir explores the secrets of my mother's sexual wellness and my parents' shame around their journey into parenthood, affecting our family dynamics," she reflects. "It delves into how we relate to our bodies and keep secrets about our sexuality and health."

In her memoir, Washington revealed that her dad is not her biological father, a secret that profoundly impacted her. "We are as sick as our secrets," she says, referencing a line from her book. "For me, sexuality education is about shedding shame to live with more freedom and liberation, de-stigmatizing health and sexuality."

Kerry Washington Discusses the Importance of Sex Education

The positive response to her memoir inspired Washington to further her advocacy. "People related to my story, whether it was about childhood abuse or abortion," she explains. "The book created a space for people to share their secrets, and I felt honored to hold that space. It reinforced the need for more honest discussions about our bodies and lives."

Washington believes education is crucial, as the current sex ed system often fails to adequately inform people. "Working with Winx Health is about more than just the product; it's about education and improving women's lives by addressing our sexual and vaginal health comprehensively," she concludes.

The Quran - Chapter Al-Waqi'ah : 10 - 12

and the foremost ˹in faith˺ will be the foremost ˹in Paradise˺.

They are the ones nearest ˹to Allah˺,

in the Gardens of Bliss.