Halsey Return to Music Amid Multiple Health Issues - Fans Mix Reaction Some Are Meaner

Halsey Return to Music Amid Multiple Health Issues - Fans Mix Reaction Some Are Meaner

Halsey, the Grammy-nominated singer, recently released two new singles, "The End" and "Lucky," following a hiatus due to multiple health issues. However, her return to music hasn't been entirely positive.

On July 30, Halsey took to Tumblr to share her frustration with the negativity she's received from some of her fans. "My own fans are hands down meaner to me than any other people on the planet. Not speaking for all of you, of course," Halsey wrote. "But it used to be just a minority that were awful to me, and now it seems like a majority have only stuck around to chime in occasionally with their opinion of how much they hate me or how awful I am."

Halsey, who uses she/they pronouns, expressed how challenging it is "to want to engage in a space that is completely devoid of any kindness, sympathy, patience; or to be honest, human decency. Especially after years of hiding from the interactions for fear that this EXACT thing would happen."

Reflecting on her health struggles, Halsey revealed, "I don’t know man. I almost lost my life." She was recently diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus and a rare T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder. "I am not gonna do anything that doesn’t make me happy anymore. I can’t spiritually afford it," she added.

"When I got sick all I could think about was getting better so I could come back and be a part of THIS again," Halsey continued. "But I don’t even know what "this" is anymore, and I want to crawl in a hole and I regret coming back."

Halsey Return to Music Amid Multiple Health Issues - Fans Mix Reaction Some Are Meaner

In a follow-up post, Halsey shared that she was on her way to a PET scan and uploading a stripped version of her latest single, "Lucky," while writing the Tumblr posts. "Because this is the insane irony my life has become," she wrote. "I’m a person. Not a character in a music video."

"Lucky," released last week alongside a music video, is the second single from Halsey's upcoming album, following "The End," which dropped in June. She informed fans of her health diagnoses shortly after releasing "The End."

"In 2022, I was first diagnosed with Lupus SLE and then a rare T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder. Both of which are currently being managed or in remission; and both of which I will likely have for the duration of my life," Halsey explained.

Halsey Return to Music Amid Multiple Health Issues - Fans Mix Reaction Some Are Meaner

"After 2 years, I’m feeling better and I’m more grateful than ever to have music to turn to," she added. "I can’t wait to get back where I belong: With you all 🤍 Singing and screaming my heart out."

The Quran - Chapter At-Taghabun : 08

So believe in Allah and His Messenger and in the Light We have revealed. And Allah is All-Aware of what you do.