Why Country Singer Margo Price's Mental Health Linked with Her Nose Job

Why Country Singer Margo Price's Mental Health Linked with Her Nose Job

"Since my career has taken off, I have often wanted to just disappear from existence," Margo Price wrote on her Substack, reflecting on how her appearance has impacted her mental well-being.

The 41-year-old musician opened up about her cosmetic surgeries on July 10, revealing that she had undergone sinus surgery, septoplasty, and rhinoplasty after years of struggling with breathing difficulties, several broken noses, and bullying over her looks.

"I was bullied online constantly. Every time I made a TV appearance or voiced a political opinion that didn't align with my fan base, the trolls would attack me," Price shared in her piece titled "As Plain as the Nose on My Face." "It was deeply painful. Since my career took off, I've often wanted to vanish."

While she managed to endure the bullying, the severe sinus pressure became unbearable. Price described how her blocked sinuses caused migraines, blurry vision, impaired hearing, and labored breathing, significantly affecting her career and daily life.

Reflecting on her early years of drinking and drug use, which contributed to some of her broken noses, Price recalled a time when the pressure in her head was so intense she feared her eardrum might rupture. She later discovered the issues stemmed from blockages and bone spurs. She joked that since she was already undergoing corrective surgery, she might as well address the cosmetic aspect too.

"Growing up, I absorbed the societal message that if a girl wasn't beautiful, she had no worth. It's painful to feel like you're not good enough because of your appearance," Price wrote about her desire to fix her always-crooked nose. "No makeup, clothing, or hairstyle could ever make me feel good enough because my problem was right in the middle of my face."

Price worked with Dr. Shawn Nasseri and Dr. Jason Champagne for her surgeries. Three months post-op, she revealed she's breathing and singing "better than ever."

Why Country Singer Margo Price's Mental Health Linked with Her Nose Job

"I was terrified that my voice would change, but that wasn't the case at all," she admitted. "As for my self-image and self-acceptance, that's a different story. I'm trying to learn to love my new self, but it's been a challenging journey. I thought fixing my nose would solve everything, but it was much more complicated. Women are set up to fail. You'll be shamed for being unattractive, then called fake and shamed for having work done. We can't win."

Despite the surgeries, Price continued to struggle with her mental health and felt it was important to be open about her experiences for the sake of her fans. She acknowledged the support of her loved ones and the solace she finds in her music.

"Music has always been my savior, helping me process my feelings. I don't know where I'd be without it," she wrote.

The Quran - Chapter Al-Mujadila : 10

Secret talks are only inspired by Satan to grieve the believers. Yet he cannot harm them whatsoever except by Allah’s Will. So in Allah let the believers put their trust.