Sharon Stone Shares Financial Struggle after 2001 Stroke And Lost $18 Million in Savings

Sharon Stone Shares Financial Struggle after 2001 Stroke And Lost $18 Million in Savings

 Sharon Stone has opened up about her perspective following her 2001 stroke, choosing to focus on positivity rather than harboring bitterness.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the 66-year-old Basic Instinct star discussed how the stroke, which caused a nine-day brain hemorrhage and forced her to take a break from Hollywood, altered her outlook on life.

"A Buddhist monk told me I had been reincarnated into my own body," Stone recounted. "I had a near-death experience, and they managed to revive me. The bleeding pushed my brain to the front of my face, displacing it from its original position."

Stone shared that this traumatic event significantly affected her senses and abilities. "My sense of smell, sight, and touch were altered. I couldn't read for years, and I saw unusual color patterns. Many people thought I wouldn't survive."

During her recovery, Stone faced financial exploitation, losing millions of dollars and personal assets. "I had saved $18 million from my career, but when I checked my bank account, it was all gone. My possessions, like my refrigerator and phone, were registered under other people's names," she said. "I was left with nothing."

Sharon Stone Shares Financial Struggle after 2001 Stroke And Lost $18 Million in Savings

Despite these hardships, Stone has chosen to maintain a positive attitude. "I decided to stay in the present and let go of anger and bitterness. Holding onto bitterness only brings misery. But even a small amount of faith can help you survive."

Now, Stone lives for joy and purpose. She previously revealed that her early recovery involved vision problems, memory loss, and painful knots on her head. Initially, she hid her condition out of fear of rejection. "I was afraid to go out and didn't want people to know," she told Vogue.

Over time, however, Stone has become more open about her experience. She told, "I've become more comfortable with publicly sharing what happened to me. For a long time, I wanted to pretend I was just fine."

The Quran - Chapter Al-Mujadila : 03

and so that Allah will help you tremendously.