Tori Spelling Reflects on 2015 Benihana Accident and Wearing My Thigh on My Arm Via Skin Graft

Tori Spelling Reflects on 2015 Benihana Accident and Wearing My Thigh on My Arm Via Skin Graft

 Tori Spelling, the 'Beverly Hills, 90210' star, opened up about her 2015 injury on the July 12 episode of the '9021OMG' podcast.

Tori Spelling delved into the lingering effects of her 2015 accident, where she stumbled and fell onto a scorching hibachi grill at a Benihana restaurant.

During the July 12 episode of the '9021OMG' podcast, Spelling recounted the story to fellow 'Beverly Hills, 90210' alum Jennie Garth. After discussing the aftermath of a chemical peel on her face, she shifted to the harrowing incident where she burned her arm at Benihana.

"I sustained a severe burn from falling onto a hot hibachi grill at Benihana on Easter, right in front of my entire family," Spelling, 51, revealed. The burn was so severe that she needed a skin graft.

"They had to take skin from my leg for the graft. Not many people can say, 'Hey, I'm wearing my thigh on my arm,' but I can. I'm literally wearing a thin layer of my thigh on my arm because the burn was that bad."

According to the Mayo Clinic, serious burns might necessitate "skin grafts to cover extensive wounds. Treatment aims to control pain, remove dead tissue, prevent infection, reduce scarring risk, and restore function."

Tori Spelling Reflects on 2015 Benihana Accident and Wearing My Thigh on My Arm Via Skin Graft

The mother of five explained that she was trying to capture a picture of one of her children wearing the chef’s hat when she "took a step back, slipped on the oil, and the rest is history."

Spelling described how, after the fall, her arm "stuck to the grill" and "my family said it smelled like something burning, and they hadn't even started bringing the food over."

Initially, she felt embarrassed and tried to downplay the incident. "You know when you fall in front of people, and you're embarrassed, and you say, 'I'm fine,' even though you’re not sure if you are? It was one of those moments."

Other diners at the restaurant assumed she had been drinking, thinking, "Well, it's a celebrity." However, Spelling clarified that it was Easter brunch with family and friends, and she hadn't consumed any alcohol.

Despite the pain, Spelling continued with her meal, saying, "Like the tough person I am, I went on with my meal because it was Easter." She later went home, hid eggs, and made cookies.

The next day, she drove herself to the emergency room, where doctors informed her, "the skin's dying, and you need to go to the burn clinic."

Spelling later filed a lawsuit against Benihana, citing "deep second and third-degree burn injuries requiring hospitalization and surgery." The case was settled out of court.

Tori Spelling Reflects on 2015 Benihana Accident and Wearing My Thigh on My Arm Via Skin Graft

Reflecting on the incident, Spelling expressed her disappointment about feeling unable to return to Benihana. Her children, Stella and Liam, still remember the event, which was "traumatizing" for them.

She also misses the food, particularly the restaurant's signature ginger salad dressing and the fun of catching shrimp in her mouth. "There's nothing better than that ginger salad dressing at Benihana. I always caught the shrimp. I miss it all the time," she said.

The Quran - Chapter Al-Mujadila : 22

You will never find a people who ˹truly˺ believe in Allah and the Last Day loyal to those who defy Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their parents, children, siblings, or extended family. For those ˹believers˺, Allah has instilled faith in their hearts and strengthened them with a spirit from Him. He will admit them into Gardens under which rivers flow, to stay there forever. Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him. They are the party of Allah. Indeed, Allah’s party is bound to succeed.