Slipknot's Sid Wilson Says 'My Face Is Basically Melted' After Bonfire Explosion: 'I've Had Better Days'

Slipknot's Sid Wilson Says 'My Face Is Basically Melted' After Bonfire Explosion 'I've Had Better Days'

Sid Wilson of Slipknot has given fans an update on his condition as he recuperates from a recent bonfire explosion.

The 47-year-old musician spoke to Fox News from the hospital, where he’s been recovering after suffering severe burns last week.

"My entire right arm is wrapped in bandages, and part of my left arm is as well. My face is essentially melted from the nose down. But the swelling has decreased, and they told me that facial skin has this incredible ability to regenerate—it heals remarkably fast," he shared with the outlet. "I've had better days, but I'm alive, so I'm doing alright."

Wilson recounted that the accident occurred while tending to a pile of burning wood at his farm in Iowa, where he resides with his girlfriend Kelly Osbourne and their 2-year-old son, Sidney.

"A few nights back, I lit the bonfire and let it burn down," he said. "The next day, I went back to check if any debris was left. I saw some remaining around the edges, and foolishly, I did what you should never do—I poured gasoline on it."

He explained that he couldn’t find a long stick to safely ignite the pile from a distance, so he made a rash decision that led to his injuries.

"My impatience got the best of me, and I thought, 'I'll be fine,'" he recalled. "So, I squatted down, reached out, and lit it. The humidity was high, so vapors were still hanging around, and suddenly... it just blew up."

Wilson quickly rushed to the house to get Osbourne, and the family hurried to an urgent care center before being transferred to a larger hospital in Des Moines.

"They dressed the wounds and applied this artificial scab material all over me until I could reach the burn unit, where they began removing the scabs," he noted, adding that he was then transferred to another hospital in Iowa City.

Slipknot's Sid Wilson Says 'My Face Is Basically Melted' After Bonfire Explosion 'I've Had Better Days'

Between home and the hospital, Wilson has remained surprisingly upbeat throughout his recovery. "I’d say I have a pretty positive attitude about it," he remarked.

Yet, Wilson admitted that the “most challenging part” of the incident is knowing it could have been easily avoided.

"I'm not going to let it bring me down. The hardest part is feeling foolish for doing something so careless," he told the outlet. "It's not even the pain—it's realizing, 'Wow, I really learned that lesson the hard way.' I just need to slow down and carefully assess situations before jumping in without thinking."

The Quran - Chapter Al-Qalam : 27 - 29

In fact, we have been deprived ˹of our livelihood˺.”

The most sensible of them said, “Did I not urge you to say, ‘Allah willing.’?”

They replied, “Glory be to our Lord! We have truly been wrongdoers.”