Tallulah Willis Gives Update on Dad Bruce's Health: 'Whatever Kind of Day It Is, We Meet Him Where He's At'

Tallulah Willis Gives Update on Dad Bruce's Health 'Whatever Kind of Day It Is, We Meet Him Where He's At'

For Tallulah Willis, an ideal day off is marked by small, cherished moments.

“Waking up with laughter alongside my partner [musician Justin Acee] would make for the perfect day, and honestly, it happens quite frequently,” Willis, 30, shares. “Then we’d take my two larger dogs for a walk around the neighborhood, and if you time it right, it feels like a whole city hour for dogs.”

However, days off might be scarce for the Los Angeles-based entrepreneur and artist, who is currently launching her own capsule collection, Kumi KøøBuu, with the luxury silk brand Kumi Kookoon. Having been a fan of the brand for years, Willis initiated contact three years ago to explore a possible collaboration. The result is a series of vibrant, uniquely dyed silk items, including throws, bed sheets, duvet covers, and pillowcases.

“I presented them with a variety of ideas, but the concept that really stuck was focusing on blankets. I found myself especially drawn to them, particularly because they have a weighted quality,” explains Tallulah, who was diagnosed with autism last year. “As I continue learning about my autism and sensory needs, there’s something incredibly comforting and soothing about that weighted sensation.”

Tallulah Willis Gives Update on Dad Bruce's Health 'Whatever Kind of Day It Is, We Meet Him Where He's At'

Whenever her schedule permits, “I make time to visit my dad and be with him,” Tallulah says of her father, Bruce, who is living with frontotemporal dementia. "But whether it’s for work or not, I always need some downtime. My partner and I have a term we use—we call it ‘going nonverbal.’ We just sit on the couch and say, ‘I love you. There’s nothing wrong. I just can’t speak right now.’”

When she does spend time with her dad, Tallulah emphasizes the importance of entering these visits with an open mind. “I try to be prepared for whatever the visit brings, and ensure that before I go in, I’m grounded and feeling okay,” she says. “I’ve done the inner work to make sure I can be fully present.”

Tallulah Willis Gives Update on Dad Bruce's Health 'Whatever Kind of Day It Is, We Meet Him Where He's At'

At the moment, Bruce is “holding steady from the last update, which I’ve been told is a positive thing,” Tallulah adds. “No matter what the day looks like, my family and I meet him where he is.”

Tallulah's collection, Kumi KøøBuu, can be found on the Kumi Kookoon website and on Instagram at @kumikookoonofficial.

The Quran - Chapter Al-Qalam : 30 - 32

Then they turned on each other, throwing blame.

They said, “Woe to us! We have certainly been transgressors.

We trust our Lord will give us a better garden than this, ˹for˺ we are indeed turning to our Lord with hope.”