Anna Faris looks Botoxy, odd in white: cute or tragic?

These are some new photos from last night’s premiere of What’s Your Number?, that romantic-comedy where Anna Faris plays a woman who is going back and finding all of her old boyfriends to see if she’s missed “the one”. CB and I were just examining Anna’s face in these photos from last night‘s premiere, trying to figure out what exactly is going on here. My guess is that Anna just got some premiere Botox, because her face looks oddly frozen, even when she’s trying to be animated. CB thinking Anna might have gotten tweaked beyond that - a nose job, a boob job, and perhaps more. I hope not, because I kind of like Anna. Her career is an anomaly in Hollywood - she’s a talented comedic actress, writer and producer, men and women like her, and she doesn’t put herself out there, famewhore-wise.

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