RHOC Shannon Calls Tamra Unhinged as Her Ex-BFF Wants to Jump Overboard to Get Away from F - -ing Liar

RHOC Shannon Calls Tamra Unhinged as Her Ex-BFF Wants to Jump Overboard to Get Away from F - -ing Liar

Things are getting shaky on The Real Housewives of Orange County.

On Wednesday night’s episode, Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador weren’t afraid to rock the boat as they continued to hash out their ongoing feud.

As the two finally sat down to have a one-on-one conversation about their estranged friendship, things became difficult when they struggled to see eye-to-eye about their disagreements.

“As you know I’ve been a really good friend to you for many many many years,” Tamra, 55, began, to which Shannon, 59, replied, “As I have.”

To that, Tamra made a face and clarified with the phrase “ish.” She continued, “I was always there for you. Being always there for you was exhausting and then when it came down to it, my life was f — -ing crumbling.”

During 2019 departure from the Bravo show, Tamra shared that she went through a difficult period in her life with her ex-husband Simon starting chemotherapy and the death of her dog Bronx. She and her husband Eddie also decided to close their 10-year business Cut Fitness in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The former BFFs have been at an impasse so far this season with Shannon feeling like she’s been a good friend to Tamra. Shannon has maintained that she’s reached out to her numerous times to no avail and has accused Tamra of spreading falsehoods about her and calling her a “fake friend” on social media.

RHOC Shannon Calls Tamra Unhinged as Her Ex-BFF Wants to Jump Overboard to Get Away from F - -ing Liar

Shannon also confronted her former friend about her shady posts on social media and Tamra’s podcast appearances where she claimed that Shannon was a “fake friend.”

“Did you ever think to pick up the phone and say ‘Oh my God, I’m so sorry, I don’t know why you feel that way?’ Why didn’t you call me?” Tamra asked Shannon during Wednesday’s episode.

Shannon responded, “Because you started attacking me publicly, Tamra, and said that I was a fake friend.”

“Well you are a fake friend. I said you ghosted me — you did!” Tamra fired back.

In a confessional, Tamra said of the situation: “I don’t think Shannon completely understands. Early on, when I told her what was going on, she recommended a doctor for Simon, but I needed her emotionally more than ever, and then all of the sudden I didn’t hear from her at all. It was really difficult for me because I felt like I was losing my best friend.”

Tamra reiterated that she doesn’t believe Shannon “gets” how deeply she was hurt by her actions.

“I don’t think you get how much you can hurt people, Tamra,” Shannon explained. “You’ve taken the step of labeling me with very character-damning labels like neurotic, crazy, drunk.”

When Tamra tried defending her comments about Shannon’s drinking by referencing a story she once told her about her ex-husband David asking her to give up alcohol, Shannon warned her that she was “crossing a line.”

RHOC Shannon Calls Tamra Unhinged as Her Ex-BFF Wants to Jump Overboard to Get Away from F - -ing Liar

“I’m not crossing a line, you are bringing up a subject that I didn’t even want to touch on,” she replied.

Though things were far from resolved, the pair decided to move forward with their relationship and see if things could be repaired over time.

“It always takes two to tango, I put my own emotions aside to listen and hear Tamra,” Shannon told cameras. “She won’t do that for me so I don’t know where we go from here.”

While taking down signs and selling gym equipment at what once used to be Cut Fitness, Tamra and her husband Eddie reflected on her conversation with Shannon. The former fitness competitor revealed that Emily Simpson had reached out to her to offer her support with the closure of her business — a gesture she appreciated knowing the history of their relationship.

“Given the state of our friendship, it just shows to me that she has a big heart and she cares or she’s trying,” Tamara said of Emily. “It’s like, why isn’t Shannon doing that? Why isn’t she reaching out to give me a little bit of a pep talk?”

Towards the end of the episode, the housewives headed out to sea and boarded Gina Kirschenheiter’s boat for their pink “flamingle” party, though Gina was absent with COVID. In an effort to get to know their new co-star better, the group prompted newcomer Jennifer Pendantri to share the story of how she adopted her youngest son Dominic, who she started fostering when he was only 2-years-old.

While sharing the heartfelt details of her adoption process, Shannon suddenly interrupted Jen, claiming she saw her boyfriend John’s son Joe on a nearby boat to the shock of the other housewives.

RHOC Shannon Calls Tamra Unhinged as Her Ex-BFF Wants to Jump Overboard to Get Away from F - -ing Liar

“Really? Really? We’re talking about a serious story and it’s about her. It’s about her. You should say something,” Tamra said to Jen incredulously.

“But is that John’s son?” Jen asked and Tamra replied, “I don’t know, does it matter? You’re having a heartfelt conversation.”

“And it clicks,” Jen told the cameras in a confessional. “This is what my friend has experienced with Shannon for these last two years. This is not a story that I ran to Nordstrom’s and bought a new pair of shoes. I’m telling these women who I don’t know about my adopted son. It’s rude in any situation.”

Emily eventually apologized for Shannon’s behavior and encouraged her to finish telling her story while Shannon continued to make side comments about being on the water.

As the ladies began to mingle around the boat, Tamra and Emily had an honest conversation about her fractured relationship with Shannon and if she believed she’s holding onto animosity and anger too tightly to see her faults in their feud.

Heather Dubrow eventually walked in on their conversation and interrupted their chat by sitting in the middle of the two women. When she refused to move to the side so they could continue their talk, Heather put in her two cents and asked Tamra if she wanted a deeper friendship with Shannon or if she was ready to move on.

Tamra claimed that she wanted to maintain a deep friendship with her former friend, but wants their relationship to have “equal effort.” When Emily asked if she would take accountability for the actions that have hurt Shannon, Tamra denied any wrongdoing.

RHOC Shannon Calls Tamra Unhinged as Her Ex-BFF Wants to Jump Overboard to Get Away from F - -ing Liar

“I gave so much for so many f — -ing years. When I needed her, she wasn’t there and that’s the end of the story, so you know what? She can go f — — a duck,” she said.

Later, up on the second story deck, Shannon apologized to Jen for interrupting her heartfelt story after Tamra claimed her behavior was how she “normally” handled “things.”

“Again, if I’ve failed you I apologize,” Shannon said, to which she interjected, “You failed me.”

The conversation sent Tamra over the edge when she called Shannon out for making annoyed gestures with her body language.

She replied, “Because Tamra, I was there for you” causing the mom of four to have an outburst.

“No you weren’t!” Tamra screamed. “You’re a liar! You’re a liar, you’re a liar, I want to throw my wine at you! You’re a f — -ing liar!”

“Throw the wine, you’re becoming unhinged,” Shannon said with disinterest, further causing Tamra to lift out of her seat and threaten to hurl herself into the water.

“Oh my God, I’m going to jump overboard,” she seethed as Jen calmed her down and got her back into her seat.

When Shannon told her to “go ahead” and jump into the water, Tamra doubled down on her claims that the former actress was a “f — -ing liar.”

Telling her to have another drink, Tamra snapped back and accused Shannon of being an alcoholic. “You can say whatever you want Shannon, you’re a liar and a f — -ing drunk,” she said.

“I’d like to ask you a question: where’s the girl that cried to me at Jennifer’s yoga retreat saying that you missed me as a friend?” Shannon said, referencing their heart-to-heart conversation in the previous episode.

“I miss what I had,” Tamra replied. But Shannon wasn’t interested and waved her hand as she said, “I don’t miss this.”

In a confessional, Shannon added to outlet: “I’m looking at my relationship with Tamra and I don’t know how we rebound after this.”

The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on Bravo.

RHOC Shannon Calls Tamra Unhinged as Her Ex-BFF Wants to Jump Overboard to Get Away from F - -ing Liar