Jon Gosselin Says He Lost More Than 30 Lbs. in Two Months on Ozempic: 'I Feel Amazing'

Jon Gosselin Says He Lost More Than 30 Lbs. in Two Months on Ozempic 'I Feel Amazing'

 Jon Gosselin recently shared his weight loss journey while attending the grand opening of the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center West Hollywood on April 25. The former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star, now 47, revealed that he has shed 32 lbs. in two months using semaglutide, also known by the brand names Ozempic and Wegovy.

Expressing a hint of regret, Gosselin remarked to Page Six, "You know what’s annoying? The regret of not starting it 10 years ago." Despite this, he expressed immense satisfaction with his progress, stating, "I feel amazing! Like, why didn’t I do this sooner? Maybe it wasn’t the right time."

Semaglutide is an FDA-approved medication primarily used for individuals with type 2 diabetes, but it has gained popularity for its weight loss benefits over the past year, both within and outside of Hollywood.

Gosselin highlighted how semaglutide has positively impacted his eating habits and led him to abstain from alcohol entirely. "It’s really nice because it helped me stop drinking and it helped me get my appetite under control with less eating," he explained. "I was able to really refocus my diet that way, I just focused on consuming what I need to consume in a healthy manner."

Jon Gosselin Says He Lost More Than 30 Lbs. in Two Months on Ozempic 'I Feel Amazing'

Jon Gosselin, father of eight, shared that after successfully losing weight with the help of medication, he decided to pursue body contouring treatments at the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center to further sculpt his physique. He specifically mentioned undergoing CellSound treatments, which involve ultrasonic visceral fat removal.

Gosselin elaborated, stating, "It’s ultrasonic visceral fat removal, and that can be the hardest kind of fat to get rid of." He highlighted the challenge of toning certain areas even with exercise, noting, "You can do a million crunches but sometimes you just can’t tighten up that skin." However, he expressed optimism about the effectiveness of CellSound in helping him achieve his fitness goals, saying, "But with this, you … get closer to your goal."

Jon Gosselin Says He Lost More Than 30 Lbs. in Two Months on Ozempic 'I Feel Amazing'

Jon Gosselin recently spoke about the toll his late-night DJ work took on his physical health, citing complacency and unhealthy eating habits. In a February interview with Entertainment Tonight, he admitted, "I just got complacent with my health." Gosselin attributed this complacency to being in a comfortable relationship with his girlfriend, Stephanie, where they indulged in unrestricted eating habits.

Living in a rural area of Pennsylvania presented challenges, particularly when it came to finding healthy food options during late-night shifts. "I think it's very hard in our area. I mean, we live in Pennsylvania in a very rural area. We eat at gas stations," he explained. Gosselin described the difficulty of finding suitable meals at 3 a.m. while on the road for work, often resulting in extended periods without eating followed by late-night dinners before driving to gigs.

The irregular eating schedule and reliance on convenient but unhealthy food choices took a toll on Gosselin's well-being. He revealed, "I don't eat for like 12, 14 hours. So, I'll eat dinner at three o'clock in the morning, then drive to a gig." These habits likely contributed to his weight gain and overall decline in health before he made positive changes to prioritize his well-being.

The Quran - Chapter Al-Ahqaf : 07 - 08

Whenever Our clear revelations are recited to them, the disbelievers say of the truth when it has come to them, “This is pure magic.”

Or do they say, “He1 has fabricated this ˹Quran˺!”? Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “If I have done so, then there is nothing whatsoever you can do to save me from Allah. He knows best what ˹slurs˺ you indulge about it. Sufficient is He as a Witness between you and me. And He is the All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

In ancient Arabia, the addressees of the Quran were too preoccupied by the greatness of their forebears to give its message any proper consideration. 

They said that it distressed them even to hear it, because it ran counter to the religion of their august predecessors and, on this account, they rejected it. But the Quran had another aspect to it and that was its literary supremacy. 

Every Arabic linguistic expert has felt that it is an extraordinary work. It is true that the works of certain human beings possess extraordinary literary value, but there is a limit to the merit of a composition by an ordinary mortal. 

Indeed, the literary majesty of the Qur’an is inconceivably greater than any possible feat of the human mind. 

In order, therefore, to lessen the importance of the Quran from this angle, its detractors held that it was magic, i.e. it was a feat of magical presentation and not a sublime rendering of facts. 

When opponents stoop to obduracy, any serious person would remain silent after saying, ‘The issue between you and me is now before God for His decision.’ This is not defeatism but a forward-looking strategy. 

If one remains silent before an obstinate person, one actually distances oneself from the dispute and that brings one’s opponent face to face with his own conscience, so that if there is any feeling of rectitude left in him, it should be aroused.