Kate Beckinsale Revealed Stress and Grief Led To A Hole in Her Esophagus

Kate Beckinsale Revealed Stress and Grief Led To A Hole in Her Esophagus

 Kate Beckinsale has opened up about the severe health crisis she faced earlier this year, revealing that stress and grief led to a hole in her esophagus, causing her to "vomit copious amounts of blood."

The actress, 50, shared her experience in the comments section of an Instagram video she posted on July 8. The video featured Beckinsale playfully responding to critics who said she doesn’t act her age. However, it also attracted more criticism, including one comment suggesting she was too thin and needed to "go do some squats."

In response, Beckinsale explained the emotional toll that recent family tragedies have taken on her health and weight. "I watched my stepfather [director Roy Battersby] die quite shockingly, my mother has stage 4 cancer, and I lost a lot of weight from stress and grief, quite quickly," she wrote. "I was in the hospital for six weeks because the grief had burned a hole in my esophagus, which made me vomit copious amounts of blood."

Kate Beckinsale Revealed Stress and Grief Led To A Hole in Her Esophagus

Beckinsale first posted photos and videos from her hospital stay around March 11 but did not initially disclose the reason for her hospitalization. She shared pictures of visits from her dog, Myf, and balloons sent by friends and family. She seemed to return home in early April, at which point she deleted all posts related to her hospital stay. 

In her recent Instagram comments, Beckinsale also mentioned how difficult eating had become for her and how a recent film project, which dealt with the theme of a father's death, was particularly challenging. "I found eating very hard and I just worked very hard on a movie that was actually quite triggering because it also involved the theme of the death of my father," she explained. "So I’m not really concerned about what you think about my ass."

Kate Beckinsale Revealed Stress and Grief Led To A Hole in Her Esophagus

Roy Battersby passed away in January at age 87 after a brief illness. Beckinsale honored him in an April 20 Instagram post on what would have been his 88th birthday. "The birthday we didn’t know was your last," she wrote. "There will be no FaceTime today. In the middle of my night, watching you open your presents. No one received gifts with more joy."

She continued, "I can’t take my Christmas trees down — they were the last Christmas trees I’ll decorate with you in the world. This birthday/not birthday, Christmas/not Christmas in April."

The Quran - Chapter Al-Mujadila : 05

So He may admit believing men and women into Gardens under which rivers flow—to stay there forever—and absolve them of their sins. And that is a supreme achievement in the sight of Allah.