My Big Fat Fabulous Life Star Whitney Way Thore Traumatized After Intense Online Hate

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Star Whitney Way Thore Traumatized After Intense Online Hate

 Whitney Way Thore, the star of "My Big Fat Fabulous Life", shared her emotional struggle, revealing how relentless online bullying and harassment have pushed her to the brink. The 40-year-old opened up ahead of the show's 12th season premiere about her battle with suicidal thoughts triggered by intense online hate and even death threats, especially following the death of her mother, Barbara "Babs" Thore, on December 7, 2022, from cerebral amyloid angiopathy.

Thore, accustomed to public scrutiny, faced an unprecedented surge of negativity after her mother's passing. She expressed her anguish, recounting how the cruel comments deeply affected her. “When people say awful things about my mother or imply she hated me, it's devastating, even though I know it's not true,” Thore said, tearing up. “I'll never get used to it. It’s shocking how awful people can be.”

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Star Whitney Way Thore Traumatized After Intense Online Hate

The harassment didn't stop online. Thore revealed that in the upcoming season, someone trespassed on her property, threw eggs at her house, and left hate mail on her doorstep at night. “It's terrifying,” she admitted. “No one should have to live with the fear that strangers might come to their home. It’s deeply unsettling, and I don’t know how to stop it.”

Reflecting on her nearly decade-long experience on "MBFFL", Thore recalled warnings that reality TV could ruin her life. Despite the damage and trauma she's endured, she finds solace in the positive impact the show has had on viewers. “Even at my lowest points, I wouldn’t take it back,” she said. “Knowing that people have found happiness and healing through the show makes it worth it.”

To safeguard her mental health, Thore has reduced her social media use, despite her desire to connect with fans. She focuses on staying grounded in her real life, supported by her father Glenn Thore, brother Hunter, and close friends. “I’m generally doing a lot better, but the pain doesn’t fully go away,” she explained. “I don't think anyone should get used to this kind of harassment.”

Despite the emotional toll, Thore remains thankful and hopeful. “It still makes me very emotional,” she told, acknowledging that turning 40 in April has felt like a crisis. “But I’m feeling good. It’s important to remember the positives, and I’m very thankful.”

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Star Whitney Way Thore Traumatized After Intense Online Hate

"My Big Fat Fabulous Life" premieres Tuesday, July 9, at 9 p.m. ET/PT on TLC and will be available on discovery+ the same day.

The Quran - Chapter Al-Hadid : 10

And why should you not spend in the cause of Allah, while Allah is the ˹sole˺ inheritor of the heavens and the earth? Those of you who donated and fought before the victory ˹over Mecca˺ are unparalleled. They are far greater in rank than those who donated and fought afterwards. Yet Allah has promised each a fine reward. And Allah is All-Aware of what you do.