Justin Bieber's Wife Sued for Trademark Infringement Over "RHODE" SKin Care Line

Justin Bieber's Wife Sued for Trademark Infringement Over "RHODE" SKin Care Line

Hailey Baldwin Bieber is being sued for trademark infringement by a fashion company over the same name "RHODE". Hailey uses the same name for her skin care line which is Bieber's middle name.

According to the court documents, "RHODE" clothing brand cofounders Purna Khatau and Phoebe Vickers filed the suit against the wife of Justin Bieber in the U.S. District Court in New York.

According to the law suit, 

"RHODE was launched in May 2013 and we (Khatau & Vickers) dedicated ourselves to growing and nurturing the RHODE brand through much personal sacrifice and hardship." however Bieber's skin care line launched one month ago.

We are expecting $14.5 millions this year as our brand is sold in various luxury stores and worn by known celebrities like Beyonce, Rihanna and many more. We are expecting to expend in various other lines including accessories, household items, makeup and skincare items as well.

The lawsuit alleges that Instagram also allowed Bieber's skincare account after making promises to us to never allow them. 

"We have real concerns about the future, We put blood, sweat, and tears into this brand for years ... It is disappointing to me that an entrepreneurial woman, whom we've long been fans of, is trying to stifle what we have built."

"The brand Rhode is everything we have worked hard to achieve, and her using our name is hurting our company, our employees, our customers, and our partners," 

"Unfortunately, that Hailey is currently focusing on skin care while we focus on fashion has not been preventing brand confusion, and it won't in the future, We're both part of a larger beauty market in which fashion and cosmetics closely overlap and often collaborate."

"Hailey has stated that she wants to pursue a clothing line, and she even applied for 'rhode' as a trademark for clothing, We welcome competition – we just don't want competitors using our name."

The lawyer said, "We, of course, understand that Hailey wants to use her middle name for her brand, but the law on this is clear: you can't create this kind of brand confusion just because you want to use your name, What Ms. Bieber is doing is harming a minority co-owned business that two women have painstakingly built into a growing, global brand."