A Female Canadian Hiker Dies on Grand Canyon Trail

A Female Canadian Hiker Dies on Grand Canyon Trail

A Canadian female Melanie Goodine, 41, was passed away while hiking on the Grand Canyon Trail just before her wedding and birthday. According to the National Park Service, she became distressed and all attempts were unsuccessful for her survival, however, medical officers are still investigating the cause of death.

The National Park Services marked instructions for visitors,

"All visitors to Grand Canyon should ensure they are drinking plenty of fluids, resting in shade during the heat of the day, watching for signs of distress in traveling companions, and dressing appropriately for the weather, which includes light-colored and loose-fitting clothing. The NPS does not recommend hiking from the rim to the river and back in one day," the NPS added.

Her fiancé Steven Spicer told that during their hike, temperatures reached 104 degrees Fahrenheit. 

"She did get very tired on the last half-mile and somebody said they were going to call 911 and she said she wasn't going to let anybody help her over [the ridge] unless it was me. She wouldn't give up. What happened happens instantly," 

"It was just her. I've never met anybody who could compare to her."