Bundle Of Prayers For Camilla Elliott As Awaiting For Last CT Scan Report After Completing Her Cancer Chemo Rounds

Bundle Of Prayers For Camilla Elliott As Awaiting For Last CT Scan Report After Completing Her Cancer Chemo Rounds

Camilla shared latest health update on her Instagram account with a beautiful photograph of herself and waiting for her CT scan results. We pray for her successful recovery and such a brave and positive attitude for fighting cancer. She wrote,

"CT scan results are in. Must have been the fastest turn around time there is - about 2 days counting a Saturday too. The thing about CT’s, IMO they’re a double edged sword. You get the good, but along with that can come some bad, so I always try and mentally prepare myself that anything can happen. And I have so much medical trauma, it’s hard to separate what’s happen, what’s happening, what will happen. It was only my last CT that picked my ovarian tumors, so thats pretty fresh on my mind. ☑️The very good news is that there is no additional spread to other organs (lungs, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, bones, etc.) Which is amazing because I will be able to stay on course and plan for my second Hipec in September. ☑️The other news (I won’t say bad new because we honestly don’t know yet) is that there is a huge party in my peritoneum with some unvited guests and the CT has picked up on all sorts of things in there but since the CT is nonspecific, we cant really say what it is until we go in for biopsies which will be at the same time as the Hipec. I do know that the Hipec procedure does a real number on my innards: scarring, inflammation and adhesions occur and can be misread on imaging tests. And mine was only 6/1/2022. My surgeon says not to worry, but its on my mind. So kinda mixed bag of results, not ideal but always could be so much worse. 😔So, even though there is a part of me thats pissed and heartbroken about the peritoneum findings, I am million times more grateful that there was no spread to distant organs and I can have my planned hipec. 🌼Thank you for all your support and prayers. I feel good otherwise, no pain or symptoms. Even had a 4 mile walk yesterday! 🌼And the other day, I wanted to feel a bit like my old self and put on a wig. Only lasted 5 mins, but it was a reminder of reflection that used to stare back at me in the mirror.💕 #stomachcancer #gastriccancer #ctscan #peritonealmetastasis #hipec #chemo #flot #opdivo #stage4needsmore #totalgastrectomy #hopeforstomachcancer #godisgood #blessedandgrateful #livingmybestlife"

 Brennan Elliott Praises Wife Camilla A 'Warrior' After Battling with Her Cancer

Brennan Elliott praising his wife Cami to battle cancer.

The Hallmark star, Brennan Elliott, 47, opened up about the dilemma their family is facing amid his wife Cami's health challenges. The star attended Christmas Con in Pasadena, California and revealed details about his wife with the Poeple, he explained,

"She's hanging in there. She finished her last eighth round of chemo. Well, she's done 16 over the last two or three years," 

"Yeah, she's a warrior."

Brennan Elliott Praises Wife Camilla A 'Warrior' After Battling with Her Cancer

Earlier Elliott shared her photograph on her Instagram account when she was taking her round 4 chemo, he wrote,

"Been asked a lot about my wife’s journey recently and where she is and how she is feeling through her treatment!."

"She has made it to the halfway point! So proud of her!🙏🎉"

"This is the toughest experience @camilla_row has ever had to go thru. Many years of cancer treatment/surgeries etc but this one has beaten her up for sure but like all great fighters there is no quit in this girl."

"All you fans have been so gracious, selfless and supportive that we felt we’d share a brief moment of this process with all who are holding her as well as the kids and I in prayer! We love you and tHANKYOU for being our strength when to be brutally honest we haven’t felt very strong at times!"

"#cure4cancer #gastriccancerawareness #cancersurvivor keep fighting babe! 💪 so proud of you.😘

Camilla share details of her treatment journey on the Hope For Stomach Cancer Website, If anyone interested to donate