'90 Day' : Jen Slams Rishi's 'Bulls---' as He Reveals His Family Has Found '2 or 3' Arranged Marriage Prospects

'90 Day' : Jen Slams Rishi's 'Bulls---' as He Reveals His Family Has Found '2 or 3' Arranged Marriage Prospects

Jen Boecher continued to question Rishi Singh's actions on the latest 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way.

"That picture is for everyone," he told Jen, 46, of the half-naked photo of himself he sent to her friend. "It's not, like, for this specific person."

Jen's frustrations grew stronger when she looked through his phone and saw that he has also continued to send messages to women on social media, including pictures of roses.

Jen expressed her irritation in a confessional interview: "Rishi's excuses, him thinking that it was a joke or pulling his leg. It just doesn't make any sense. He's just f---ing talking in circles. I'm already not believing what's coming out of his mouth because I happen to know that he was meeting up with her. Just say, 'Yes, I flirted,' or 'Yes, I sent these messages.'"

'90 Day' : Jen Slams Rishi's 'Bulls---' as He Reveals His Family Has Found '2 or 3' Arranged Marriage Prospects

According to Rishi, 32, he had sent the photo to her friend Randi as a joke and blocked her after the messages "kept going and going." He stressed to Jen there was "nothing else" to it.

Jen countered that blocking her friend made his actions even more suspicious, but Rishi was adamant that he did nothing wrong because he was only responding to a trap Randi had set for him.

"From the beginning, I knew she was pulling my leg. So I was like, 'OK, if she can do it, I can do it from my side too.' But she was trying to message more and putting more pressure on me, sending a lot of messages. I find it that it was inappropriate, so that's why I blocked her," he explained in a confessional.

'90 Day' : Jen Slams Rishi's 'Bulls---' as He Reveals His Family Has Found '2 or 3' Arranged Marriage Prospects

Afterward, Jen looked through his phone again but had difficulty deciphering the messages since they were in Hindi. Though Rishi thought letting Jen look through his phone was "proof" enough that he was trustworthy, Jen continued to harbor doubts and reminded him that had yet to tell his family about their engagement.

Based on the advice of a friend, Rishi suggested August would be the best time to tell his family, but that only made Jen angrier.

"Sounds like bull---," she told him. She continued the thought in a confessional: "I'm really frustrated that Rishi wants to wait another two months to tell his family about us after it's already been three years."

To work on their issues, Jen had lunch with Rishi, Randi and their other friend Myra. They took the opportunity to ask Rishi again about the photo, but Rishi served up the same lame excuses.

Then he dropped another bombshell, revealing that in his family's search for potential wives, they'd already presented him with "two or three" options.

"It's something that I didn't know about," he insisted, but Jen was furious and stormed away from the table in anger.

Jen's friends had no choice but to about Rishi: "He's shady."

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET on TLC.

'90 Day' : Jen Slams Rishi's 'Bulls---' as He Reveals His Family Has Found '2 or 3' Arranged Marriage Prospects