Former Love Island USA Staffers File Lawsuit Against Show's Producing Team Claiming Labor Law Violations

Former Love Island USA Staffers File Lawsuit Against Show's Producing Team Claiming Labor Law Violations

A new lawsuit against Love Island USA producers ITV and NBCUniversal claims contestants were mistreated, and California’s employment laws were violated, during the reality series’ fourth season.

According to the filing obtained by outlet, former Villa producers Jasmine Crestwell and Alex Rinks allege producers from the UK franchise were hired to bolster ratings, despite the crew members having a history of “racism and abusive practices” that affected the mental health of the show’s contestants, also known as Islanders.

The complaint alleges that executive producers “pressured female Islanders to engage in sexual relationships without regard for their personal preferences or genuine consent.” The EPs “were flippant with the concept of sexual consent.”

Additionally, producers “openly commented on video feeds of female Islanders showering and having sex, creating a deeply uncomfortable work environment for women on set,” the filing claims.

The lawsuit claims that season 4 contestant Sereniti Springs — who was “one of the few women of color on the show” — was treated differently from her counterparts. The producers allegedly impeded “her ability to forge connections with male cast members, thus sabotaging her chances on the show.” 

When Crestwell complained about the mistreatment of Springs, executive producer Sophie Bush allegedly responded: “We are protecting her because we know none of the boys on the show like her, and we would hate to see her get rejected.”

Former Love Island USA Staffers File Lawsuit Against Show's Producing Team Claiming Labor Law Violations

The complaint also claims that Rinks complained about the “unsafe and unsanitary conditions in the show’s supposedly luxe ‘villa’ — in reality, a ramshackle, dilapidated ranch with inadequate plumbing and inoperable bathrooms.” The villa allegedly remained under construction throughout filming and contestants were “restricted to specific portable toilets connected to their rooms.”

After bringing their concerns about the work environment and treatment of contestants to the attention of producers, a meeting was scheduled to create “a safe space” to discuss the issues, according to the filing. However, Rinks and Crestwell allege that the meeting was “a trap” and they were terminated after bringing up the concerns. 

The lawsuit claims their termination violates California law which prohibits “retaliation against employees who make legally protected complaints of discrimination and OSHA violations.”

NBCUniversal did not immediately respond to outlet’s request for comment. However, in a statement shared with outlet, a spokesperson for ITV America denied the claims: “This is a frivolous attack at an opportunistic moment, timed to the Season 5 debut, made by two former employees who were terminated for cause, purely in relation to their job performance.”

“These characterizations are false. Love Island USA’s commitment to diversity and proven track record speaks for itself,” the statement continued. “We categorically deny the allegations and look forward to defending against these claims in a court of law.”

Former Love Island USA Staffers File Lawsuit Against Show's Producing Team Claiming Labor Law Violations

Love Island USA is inspired by the U.K. series of the same name. The show moved to Peacock for its fourth season after previously airing on CBS. 

The show explores what happens when single strangers live together for a full summer. Upon arriving, the contenders are asked to "couple up" with someone else in the villa. Each week, a coupling ceremony allows individuals to pick a new partner, or commit to their current partner for another week.

As new men and women enter the villa throughout the summer, connections are shaken, and single Islanders may find themselves voted out of the villa.

Love Island USA season 5 is currently airing on Peacock.

Former Love Island USA Staffers File Lawsuit Against Show's Producing Team Claiming Labor Law Violations