Teddi Mellencamp: This Body Tells My Story - Celebrating Strength and Self-Love

Teddi Mellencamp This Body Tells My Story - Celebrating Strength and Self-Love

 Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave, known from 'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,' believes in celebrating the body you have, stating “there’s no such thing as a summer body.”

On Instagram Tuesday, Mellencamp shared a personal flashback photo, revealing her past insecurities about her appearance that led her to cover up at the beach. 

"For years, I felt anxious at the pool or beach, uncomfortable with myself, thinking that covering up was the solution," she wrote. "But in reality, I was hiding my insecurities instead of facing them."

At 42, Mellencamp reflected on her fitness journey, admitting she still found flaws in herself, such as the loose skin on her stomach. "But I’m done covering up. It’s time to celebrate this body and everything it’s done for me," she said, recalling the emotional moment when her doctor told her, "Teddi, you’re 5’3” and over 200 lbs."

As a mother of three—daughters Dove, 4, and Slate, 11, and son Cruz, 9, with husband Edwin Arroyave—Mellencamp is now a health and wellness coach with her own fitness program, ALL IN by Teddi. She emphasizes that weight is not the most important part of a health journey.

"I’ve realized that it’s the feeling that matters: the feeling that you’re doing your best for yourself, owning your story, being kind to yourself, and honoring where you are right now, knowing you are worthy," she explained. "This is the true essence of a ‘summer body.'"

Teddi Mellencamp This Body Tells My Story - Celebrating Strength and Self-Love

She encouraged her followers to share their stories to create a community of support and empowerment. When one woman shared a painful experience of being mocked at the beach, Mellencamp responded with support.

"Do NOT let those women take away your power. You deserve a day at the beach with your kiddos. Whatever they were saying is all projection ❤️," she wrote.

The Quran - Chapter Ar-Rahman : 33 - 34

O  assembly of jinn and humans! If you can penetrate beyond the realms of the heavens and the earth, then do so. ˹But˺ you cannot do that without ˹Our˺ authority.

Then which of your Lord’s favours will you both deny?

In the preceding verse jinn and mankind were addressed as Ath-thaqalan and warned that their deeds will be reviewed and every single one of them will attract reward or punishment. 

The current verse purports to say that no one will be able to hide from death, nor will anyone be able to escape from attendance or giving account of actions on the Day of Judgment. 

This verse does not use the expression Ø«َّÙ‚َÙ„َانِ Thaqalan as in the preceding verse but explicitly uses the expression ÙŠَا Ù…َعْØ´َرَ‌ الْجِÙ†ِّ ÙˆَالْØ¥ِنسِ ( O genera of Jinns and mankind) 'Jinn' is mentioned first followed by 'men' presumably because a high-power energy is required to pass through the confines of heaven and earth. Allah has given Jinns more power than human beings in such matters. 

The meaning of the verse is: '0 Company of Jinn and human beings, if you think that you will be able to find refuge and thus avert death by avoiding the angel of death or run away from the Plains of Gathering or the Plains of Reckoning, then try to cross the bounds of the heavens and the earth if you have the power and ability to do so.' 

This is no mean task. This requires high-powered energy. The combined forces of Jinns and mankind will not be able to harness the energy to go beyond the confines of the heavens and the earth. 

The purport of the verse is not to show the possibility or probability of passing beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth. The proposition is hypothetical. The purport of the verse is to demonstrate the utter powerlessness and inability of men and Jinns to achieve this feat.