Phoebe Bridgers Revealed Abortion 'I don't think about it as a baby, of course not'

Phoebe Bridgers Revealed Abortion 'I don't think about it as a baby, of course not'

Phoebe Bridgers is not interested having babies, "so easy" to terminate pregnancy!

The "I Know The End" singer, Phoebe Bridgers, 27, revealed surprising abortion during her interview, 

"I went to Planned Parenthood where they gave me the abortion pill. It was easy. Everyone deserves that kind of access."

"didn't think about it, really, at all"

"I've always found comfort in talking to people in passing — when someone's mom says: 'I had an abortion when I was a teen.' It normalized it for me. I was, 'All right, it's time to throw my hat into that pool,'" 

"as a white, upper-middle-class woman from California, even if it were to be overturned" she "will always have access."

"I have a friend who went to medical school — every time I need a doctor, I say, 'Do you have someone that you recommend?' So I would just go: 'Hey, where do I go for the thing? Wink-wink.' The people with access will always have access, What pisses me off is that we're not talking about me. It's so easy: I played in Texas the same week, and then I went home and was like: oh my God. Made the appointment. It was 12 hours of my life."

"People with good intentions saying: 'Don’t say it was easy for you to make that decision — it was clearly really emotional.'"

"I wasn't f***ing emotional at all. Hormonally crazy! But I don't think you should assign 'it tore me up' to me. No! I don't think about it as a baby, of course not."

"I went into the living room and my dad was sobbing. I grew up with the weight of what stuff means, which I think is really important, especially because if I wanted to, I could just close my eyes to it and disappear. That's what's so f***ed up about this economy — the lucky ones get to flee to the coasts while so much shit is happening to poor people in the center of the country," she says.

Bridgers shares a dollar of each ticket a donation to the organization that works to provide abortion.