Priyanka Chopra Sustains Neck Injury During Stunt on New Movie Set

Priyanka Chopra Sustains Neck Injury During Stunt on New Movie Set

 Priyanka Chopra Jonas, currently in Australia filming her new movie "The Bluff," recently shared a glimpse of the challenges she faces on set.

On Wednesday, June 19, the 41-year-old actress posted a photo on her Instagram Stories showing a neck injury she sustained while performing a stunt. 

"Oh, the professional hazards of my job #latestaquisition #thebluff #stunts," she captioned the photo, which displayed a long red cut on her neck, along with the bottom part of her face and her chest.

Priyanka Chopra Sustains Neck Injury During Stunt on New Movie Set

According to Deadline, "The Bluff" centers on a former female pirate who must protect her family when past transgressions catch up with her. 

Priyanka Chopra Sustains Neck Injury During Stunt on New Movie Set

Priyanka has been sharing behind-the-scenes moments from the set on her social media. Earlier this month, she posted pictures of her 2-year-old daughter, Malti Marie, joining her in the makeup trailer. In the photos, Malti is seen drawing on a mannequin head, holding a hairbrush, and playing with a large rope on the ground.

"When MM is in the HMU trailer," wrote Priyanka, referring to hair and makeup, as Malti doodled on the mannequin’s face. She added, "Practicing her sailing knots," as her daughter played with the rope. "I think 'Diane' is coming home with us," she continued, sharing a picture of Malti smiling at the mannequin head.

The mother-daughter day on set followed a video Priyanka shared of Malti with the cast and crew of "The Bluff." 

Priyanka Chopra Sustains Neck Injury During Stunt on New Movie Set

"When I start a new project, it’s really important for me to know that the people who come together to make it are top-notch," she wrote. "We spend so much time together, away from our families and homes, thinking, eating, and breathing the art we’re contributing to. It becomes so much easier when everyone you’re surrounded by is full of joy, dedication, and the absolute best at their craft."

The Quran - Chapter Al-Waqi'ah : 15 - 17

˹All will be˺ on jewelled thrones,

reclining face to face.

They will be waited on by eternal youths